The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!

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A/N: I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese so anything (even in the original transcript) I'll have translations at the bottom.

"The Feast of The Flower! A festival of food, dancing, and music that celebrates the once a year bloom of the legendary Drosera occidendum, a one of a kind flower." Webby yelled, waking me up.

I had fallen asleep on the plane. I swore time travel took extra out of you or maybe it was the running three days on ten hours of sleep. Whatever's the case, this was a time travel free trip! I left it in my room this morning. I saw no point in bringing it.

Speaking of trips, this one was a special one. It was to make it up to Donald for the fake funeral. Scrooge had taken him to see his old friends. (More like me and Webby pushed the idea that Donald deserved a break.)

"Never heard of it." Louie was standing off to my left, and his voice brought me back to the present. Webby drugged me off the plane and threw thick brush to a small town.

"Me neither! A cultural tradition I know nothing about! Do you know how rare that is?" I held back a yawn, trying not to be rude. Webby looked and saw that Louie and Dewey were not paying attention to her. "What are you doing?"

They were clicking away on his new phone. Waddle had just released a new one, and Beaks sent me two. Like I need two phones. Regardless, I like the one I had, so I gave them to the boys. I had told them to fight it out. Louie claimed one almost immediately. Huey made an excellent case for why he should get the second one, but Dewey had already set a password. Huey was pretty upset so I let him know I would get him one when we got back to civilization.

Beaks had been getting more generous with his gifts recently. Probably because my presence had been a staple on his feed so I figured another phone wasn't too much to ask for. Besides, if he said no, I could always buy one. I had that money burning a whole in my pocket now and nothing to buy. Dewey pulled me from my thoughts.

"This place is going to look great on my profile." Dewey said, taking a picture.

"It already looks great." Webby pointed at the brightly colored houses and bright foliage. 

"But now it's in sepia. Ehhh? Eeeeeeeehehehe?" Dewey showed her the photo and picked a filter.

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see my pals!" Donald said, joining us.

"Sorry, who are these friends of yours?" Huey asked, looking around. "And why haven't we heard of them? And why did you all stop speaking? And - "

"Please, not everything is a dark family secret." Louie rolled his eyes but didn't look up from the phone.

"Kids, I have a dark family secret." Huey elbowed at Lou, who looked annoyed. Dewey looked shocked and took a photo. "I..."

"Yeah?" The kids leaned closer towards Donald.

"I was one of the Three Caballeros."

"Oh. Good for you." - W "Ooooooh, cool." - H "Oh yeah, Three Cabababa." - L  "I don't know what that is." - D

"Like seriously?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The Three Caballeros. Donald's old college band." Scrooge continued, but I was still waiting on Donald's answer. "They practiced that polyphonic pandemonium in my garage for hours on end. Oh, the next time you complain about bagpipes, just imagine trying to sleep while your uncle saws away at an accordion."

Louie and Huey made eye contact and cringed.

"I was so awesome," Donald said, putting on a fanny pack. I sighed in defeat. Clearly if there was any more to the story we weren't getting it.

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