Happy Brithday, Doofus Drake!

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"I can't believe this game's still around! Scrooge and Donald used to come home to sleep after an adventure, but this baby let me quest all night long!" Della bursted into the living room.

"This is gonna be epic!" Huey bounced.

I looked over my phone at them. I had planned on doing some reading, catching up with some people, web surfing; normal stuff in solace to distract me from my nightmares. Nightmares that we're getting progressively worse and leaving me sweat soaked or screaming when I awoke, but only able to remember fragments of them when I awoke. However, this was fine too.

They got the game set up while I scrolled through pictures in an attempt to post something. People were getting suspicious as to why I hadn't been seen in public and hadn't posted either. I might not be as Louie or Beaks about it, but it was still odd. Just to put my thoughts at ease, about this at least, I posted one of me and Dewey drawing on Launchpad's face when he fell asleep at our last Darkwing Duck marathon a day or two ago.

I started flipping through my feed which was full of Boyd and Beaks pics. He had mentioned to me that he found him a few days ago and was dying to use him - which was rude, but I was letting it slide for now. That meant Goldie would be showing her ugly mug any - Louie busted into the living room startled everyone, nearly killing his mother's avatar.

"Hi mom. Nothing's wrong." He ran across the room and grabbed my hand and started pulling. "Just going to borrow ____ here for a moment! Thanks! No need to worry!"

I was worried. He gave me a sweet smile. Uh oh. I was in for it.

"____ I have a favor to ask."

"Lou, why do I feel like I'm about to sign my soul away?" He trusted a golden piece of paper in my face.

Doofus Drake's Septleventh Birth Anniversary: Join the Obscenely Rich, and the Richly Obscene.

~ Invitation for Llewelyn and his girlfriend, plus one parent

Llewelyn had called me his girlfriend the first time we met the brat, and I was opposed because that kinda con leads to this.

"Oh, no! You're not taking me back there!" I shifted uncomfortably. "Louie, why do you want to go back there in the first place?"

"You're who the invitation is referring to?" Goldie stepped around the corner and barked a laugh. "That's rich."

"That explains it." I said, not even looking at her.

"Please come! You don't even have to do anything but you know Doofus won't let me in without you." He dropped his voice so Goldie couldn't hear him. "And I'm not sure I want him to after last time."

"You remember what happened last time?" He nodded, cringing. I rolled my eyes and knew Beaks was going so I wouldn't be alone. I sighed, "I'm gonna regret this."

"You'll go?!" Lou bounced.

"Yes, but you own me after this. I'm talking big time and no complaining about it either."

"Wow, I didn't think it would be that simple." He beamed, then dashed down the hall. "Got to go get ready!"

"You're gonna be thinking that when I get my pay back you little," he was out of earshot and I looked at Goldie, "you're doing I presume?"

"If by my doing, you mean: doing my civic duty to teach the younger generation. Then yes." She smiled, and I held in a gag. "Does Scroogie know you're dating his youngest nephew?"

"How's your relationship with Glomgold going?" Her time to hold in a gag. I marched off to change.

Halfway to my room, I stomped past Scrooge.

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