Friendship Hates Sleep!

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It wasn't a long nap or even that restful. Granted, I had collapsed on the bed the second my head hit the pillow I was out. However, Webby was having a slumber party, which went as well as expected. I was woken up by the sound of her scream. I scrambled to my door just in time to see a shadow drag her down the hall.

"____!" Lena yelled at me from down the hall. She was followed closely by Webby's other friends, Violet.

"Lena!?" My brain took a second to compute what I was seeing, but once it did I remembered a red gem in my nightstand.

I dashed back to it and dug through, pulling everything else until I found it. When I got back to my doorway, Webby's party guest had already bolted by. I joined them in pursuit and caught them as the hallway turned to the left.

"What's going on?" I said, keeping in step with the two girls.

"It's her fault. If she hadn't meddled with magic, Webby would still be safe." Lena blamed the smaller girl.

"The tulpas of manifestations of great desire." She pointed out then turned to me, "That's what had Webbigal."

"Like your desire for magical power," Lena argued.

"Or your desire not to be forgotten by Webbigail. Newton's apple, you are dense. You'll note the tulpas have taken your form?" Lena turned to face Violet to protest, but Violet kept going. "They are manifestations of your own jealousy, trying to keep Webbigail with you in the shadow realm."

"Can we rescue now, blame later?" I asked, irritated.

"I'm cool with that," Lena said.

"Look, we have nothing in common, but we do both seem to care about," a cry from Webby interrupted her.


"Webbigail/Webby!" We all three called together.

"If she goes out that door, we may lose her forever," Violet warned.

"Not on my watch. Come on nerd, let's make magic." Lena grabbed our hands.

"With the hand of my friend's friend, we bring bitter jealousy to an end." Lena stared, and the beast roared and started to dissipate. Violet and I joined in. "With the hand of my friend's friend, we bring bitter jealousy to an end. With the hand of my friend's friend, we bring bitter jealousy to an end. With the hand of my friend's friend, we bring bitter jealousy to an end."

Webby grunted as the shadow monster lowered her to the floor. It disappeared completely, and she ran to us. I felt the magic seeping out of the gem in my pocket and into Lena.

Lena gasped, "I'm back?"

"You certainly look like you're back," Violent agreed.

"You're back!!" Webby jumped into Lena's arms.

"I don't understand?" Lena looked at herself confused.

"Had been meaning to tell you. The Spark of Life might be able to help but I had no way of getting it to you." I yawned and pulled the gem out.

"You had a cure this whole time?!" Webby screamed.

"Kinda, but without Lena getting her hands on it there was no way of knowing." I handed it to Lena, and it absorbed into her skin. The girls watched in awe. "I can't promise it will keep, but from what Huey said it should. Anyway, you girls have fun. I need sleep."

I knew it was kind of rude, to dip like that but honestly, I was tired. When I got back to my room, my phone was dinging like crazy and I made the mistake of checking it instead of laying down. Drake was on a tangent fixing to dye his feathers green; the dude really had poor impulse control. In the end, he didn't because it would ruin his Darkwing Duck image. Then there was Beaks' ranting about how he wasn't included in Scrooge's and Glomgold's which he had just heard about. So much for staying on top of current events. Gladstone texted me asking about joining him on a cruise and was telling me about his newest vacation spot. Also, LP texted me and told me that Ms. Beakley was now a fan of Darkwing and we should introduce her to Drake sometime. That would be interesting.

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