Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!

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The nightmares didn't get better. They got worse. What had started as simply reliving the memory was devolving into flash images: Glomgold hugging me in front of pissed looking Scrooge; Lunaris' smile; Donald throwing something; & Della and I screaming angrily at each other to the point I stormed off.

This had been going on since the incident and I had a feeling it had to do with a side effect of the Time Turner. However, I couldn't test that theory because Scrooge had taken it from me so I didn't sneak out of the house. I was on unofficial house arrest for the time being as well.

The worst part was sometimes I would wake up trashing and my stitches would be torn open, making healing an even slower progression than normal. Drake had come over to help patch me back up because I refused to go back to the doctor. I made him swear to secrecy because Scrooge was already treating me like a child.

Now I was itching to do something, anything. I walked by the garage and noticed Dewey and Della packing the Sunchaser for a flight. Scrooge walked onto the plane and I followed.

"Don't even think about it," he said when he saw me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to read his notes on his clipboard. "Please! I'm soooo bored."

"I don't know, Love. You're not healed," Scrooge hummed, not looking up from his clipboard.

"Please! It's just a business trip," I begged. "Louie's gonna make me watch another Ottoman Empire marathon! I've seen so many episodes I'm starting to think in Johnny and Randy's voices."

I face planted onto his clipboard. He chuckled and pushed my head out of the way.

"Oh, alright." I perked up. "But you have to promise to be on your best behavior? My clients are the Von Drake children. I know you had a tenuous relationship with their father."

"The only problem I have with that man is he messed with the Time Turner and I'm pretty sure it's busted even more now. Other than that I'm fine." Scrooge glared at me. I deflated. "Fine, I'll be on my best behavior."

"Thank you." He gave me a smile. I surged forward and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, and headed off the plane. "Next time ya should start with that!"

"That's bribery!" I spun to face him, still walking away.

"And since when have ya cared about that?!"

"Touché," I laughed and spun back around.

"And be careful, will ya!" He threw something at me that clattered to the ground behind me.

I walked away laughing, and I went to ask Webby for her backpack. I wasn't getting caught in the cold unprepared. When I got back to the plane, it was ready to take off.

Della didn't take the hint from Scrooge that I was coming along on this 'nice safe trip' and flew the Sunchaser like a Thunderbird. Which both Della and Dewey cheered with joy about.

"I missed you, girl. The Cloudslayer flies again!" Della patted the dashboard and was happy for the chance to fly again.

"Cloudslayer? That is way better than the Sunchaser!" Dewey smiled.

"Launchpad would disagree," I called as Della twirled the plane around again. I fell into Dewey's seat, picked him up and put him in my lap. I clicked on the lap seat belt.

"Why would Huey and Louie wanna miss this?!" Blue screamed in my ear.

Scrooge stumbled into the spot between the pilot and copilot seat. "I think I may have some idea."

"Their loss. Dewey and Della Duck on their first high-flying adventure!" Dewey was hell bent on destroying my eardrums.

"Not ad-venture; business venture." Scrooge pointed his finger towards a facility as it pulled into view. "We're headed to Boarway, home of the Von Drake Doomsday Vault."

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