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I stomped down the hill, splashing in every puddle I could find. I pulled out my phone. I had other friends here. I didn't need them. I scrolled through my contacts, ignoring the notifications I was getting from the kids and Donald.

I couldn't go to Beaks. He was biased. I needed someone on neutral ground.

I could call Drake, but he was in St. Canard and busy with hero work, or so I told myself.

Fenton was in the same boat as Drake, only closer in location. 

Gladstone, just no. He might call Della or Scrooge, make me talk about my feelings, or hit on me. Well definitely the last one, the flirt.

Launchpad was there when it happened so he was out, too awkward.

I hadn't heard from Lena in a while. However, she was also a no mainly because I didn't want to drag another kid into this.

Those weren't my only only contacts, just my first choices. Everyone was a no! Why was this so hard? I sighed and relooked.

Boyd? Same problem as Lena.

(Who put Goldie's number in my phone? Louie.)

José and Panchito, love them, weren't going to be helpful.

That left me no choice. I stared at the name and tried to not laugh at LP's naming skill. 

Mr. No Crash and He's not Even a Pilot! (Aka: Mr. Goosling), had told me any time I needed a driver, and I needed a ride and friend. Was it wrong to use Beaks driver for personal use? The rain was easing up, but my clothes weren't getting less wet. I felt guilty, but I called him.

"Ms. ____?" He answered the phone on the first ring.

"Hey Mr. Goosling. I hate to ask, but can you do me a favor?"

"You need me to pick you up."

"Yes, please." I felt bad for asking.

"I'm on my way. No lady should be left out at the hour let all one in the rain."

"Thank you I'm, uh," I looked around, not recognizing my surroundings, "honestly don't know. Near McDuck Manor. I'll drop you my location."

I was off the beaten path. I hadn't paid attention to where I was going, but I didn't want someone to come looking for me, so my feet had taken several turns as I sulked. Although I didn't wait long. He pulled, thankfully, not in a limo and I reached for the door of the sports car.

"Thank you for picking me up and thanks for the discretion."

"Your welcome, Miss. I figured you didn't want to be picked up in a limo." I nodded.

"Yeah, that would have been a bit flashy."

"Do you need anything?" I bit my lip.

"Some clothes." He nodded, taking me to a department store. I was glad he didn't ask questions. I might've cried, and that was not the image I wanted to give him. "I'll only be a minute."

I opened the door and it hit me. Donald still had my debit card. Ugh!

"Mr. Beaks has an emergency card for his friends. " Goosling was already holding up a card.

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