The Richest Human In The World!

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Per Scrooge's request breakfast was now served in the main dining hall. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish. Him and I were typically the only one up. That being said, currently only me and Louie were eating breakfast. I made Owlson leave. I didn't want another scene like before if Della decided to show up.

Honestly, though I think Louie was thankful for it. I don't think Louie went to sleep last night as I stared at him. He was seated at the head of the table stirring his cereal.

"Uncle Scrooge? Hi. Thanks for coming." Lou said to his Uncle which I hadn't noticed that he had sat down.

"Ah, to breakfast?" I stood and handed Scrooge my untouched plate. I headed back to my spot beside Louie.

"So, do you remember that bet that you made with Glomgold where the winner won the loser's fortune, and technically I won both your fortunes so that I could give it back to you?" Louie rambled.

"It was yesterday."

"Skip to the end." I coughed.

"You said, technically ____ but anyways, I'd be a bigger billionaire than you are one day, and well, today is a day, and," Louie twirled his thumps.

"What are you trying to say, lad?" Scrooge looked irked.

"Well, I'm keeping it all, so I can be the richest duck in the world!" He blurted, jumping on the table. I grabbed the cereal.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You, ha ha, are going to be the richest duck in the world? Ha ha ha ha!" Scrooge laughed.

"Yes, um," Lou glanced at me with mild concern. Then it changed to bewilderment. He looked at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Who said any of this is yours?" I smirked. He stared at me and Scrooge stopped laughing, now confused. I twirled the 'guardian consent' form in my hand. What was his, legally, was mine. "Technically, it's mine. I wasn't going to show you up yesterday, but I have no problem bring you down a peg right now."

"But I thought we had an agreement. You keep yours and I keep the rest." He gave a nervous chuckle.

"No such promises were made. I told you I trusted you, and that was the extent of the conversation. Plus, you still owe me for Doofus' Birthday and I told you my payback would be painful!" He seemed to remember that he owned me a favor and his eyes went wide.

"Aunt _____!" He jumped at me and caught him forgetting the breakfast soup. "How is this fair?"

"Partners, take it or leave it, Green." I whacked him with the papers and he grumbled, but nodded. Scrooge laughed again. I jumped, forgetting he was there.

"Oh sure, it's just a complex international conglomeration. Between Louie's 'love' of hard work and your lack of business experience, Love. Well, heh. Have fun! I'll be here when you're ready to give my fortune back." Scrooge stood to leave.

"Challenge expected!" I pulled Green off the table and I was about to put Louie's silver tongue to use.

LP took us to the Money Bin, and I immediately started talking with Owlson while Louie swam in the gold.

"How hard would it be to expand the technology department? I know Scrooge focused mainly on hardware, but I think we can develop some software as well that would be profitable. I know Beaks has that market dominated, but I have some ideas." She nodded and took notes. "Also on the fishing matter, can you get some to calculate what would happen if the mass of the moon shifted losing the approximate weight of The Spear Of Selena in gold," I looked over my shoulder for Louie and added with a sneer, "and Della."

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