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"Here in Duckburg, life is like, a hurricane? Residents are battening down the hatches for the worst El Pato storm in decades." Roxanne reported on the news.

(Oh no.) I mentally facepalmed. (How has Louie managed to do so much damage in a day?)

I served the scene looking for the kid and saw him sneaking past Dewey and Webby.

"Hey, Louie?" Dew ran by.

"Aaaah! What?" Louie almost jumped out of his skin.

"Can you give us a hand?" Webby asked. They laugh and Louie patted Webby's arm.

"All right, okay, eheheh." Dewey laughed.

"Nope!" Webby added.

Louie ran towards the stairs, but I reached out, stopping him.

"Got something for me, Green?" I held out a hand. He placed the Time Turner in my hand.

"Is that it?" he asked, giving it to but had a guilty look on his face. I narrowed my eyes.

"Unless you want to tell me something." I was giving him a chance to come clean.

"No, no, no. I'm all good. Gotta go." He ran up the stairs and I caught Della's eyes as she walked away from Mrs. Beakley.

"We need to bring in all these valuable heirlooms for the garage before the storm hits." Scrooge said join us from a separate room.

"I'm sorry, 'valuable'?" Louie walked back down the stairs, bumping into me.

"Nope." I spun him around.

"These are the famous canes of Clan McDuck, going aaall the way back to our very earliest ancestors," Scrooge explained.

"Oh, sentimental value, yuck! Anyway, I've got important- Uuuh, stuff, to take care of, in, my room, so, mm." Louie backed back up the stairs.

"That boy's up to something," Scrooge hummed.

"Figure that out your own?" I smirked. He glared playfully.

"Whoops." Launchpad hit the frame of the window.

"Launchpad, euh, wh," Scrooge flinched as LP hit the window frame again, "Shy don't you keep an eye on Louie upstairs? Far away from here."

"No problem, Mr. McDee." LP ran up stairs, throwing the hammer through the window.

"Probably not helpful," I mumbled.

"You want to join them?" Scrooge raised an eyebrow at me.

"Didn't you need some stuff taken out of the garage?" I started towards the garage.

"Take Donald with ya!" he yelled, and I circled back. He was talking to Della.

"Scrooge's orders!" I grabbed the unsuspecting duck's hand and pulled him with me. I felt his sister glaring at me again. We picked up a stack of boxes and brought them into the main foyer.

"Come back, the storm is starting!" Beakley yelled as I saw Blue and Pink run out. Red was hot on their tails.

"Eeeeh, what are they gonna find out there, a little rain? Some debris?" Della shrugged. How could she care so little about their wellbeing? I held my tongue. Donald didn't.

"Kids get back in here!"

"Hey, cool, a dead guy!" Dewey called as he and Pink carried him in.

"Give him space guys." I pulled Blue away a little and the other two stepped back. We watched as the caveduck jumped up, scared. He ran up the stairs and hung off the stairs like King Kong.

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