The Dot Over the I! Aka: Tuesdays, Julys, & Sometimes Never!

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A/N: Sometimes when I get writers block I write from a different POV and that kind of led to this chapter. Extra love if you get the title reference!! If you don't The Good Place is highly recommended!

Ring around the Beaks!
Dewey's POV

Not that we would've admitted, but none of us want to go on the ride alone. The seat was big enough for two fully grown adults and was a little two small to seat us three, but no one complained as we ran past the operator and demanded that he started. The buggy took off down the track and started to spin at the sight of Jack the Tripper. We screamed and smashed together as the cart spun. After about the fifth time spinning and Huey almost barfing, we came to a stop.

"That was awesome!" I said, jumping off the dark attraction like it hadn't just scared me half to death.

Huey still looked like he was going to barf and Louie was walking in circles. I helped Hue to a trash can outside and Lou barely made it without knocking the knickknacks of the gift shop shelves.

"Where's ______ and Uncle Gladstone?" Huey asked, hugging a trash can.

"They whh right behin us." Louie, who was face down on a bench, said.

"Maybe they're in the gift shop. I'll go check." I didn't care to leave my brothers by themselves with both of them out of it, but I was kind of worried about ____ and Uncle Gladstone. I walked back in the exit and there was no one in the small gift shop but a bored-looking teen on their phone. "Um, have you seen anyone else come out?"

"No, but the ride was down for a few minutes. People should be," Beaks, who was walking out of the ride, interrupted the teen.

"I am sooo giving a bad review. Like I can't believe I was stuck for seven whole minutes with spotty WiFi at best!"

"Beaks! Have you seen ____?" I apparently scared him because he almost dropped his phone.

"What no I thought she was with you brats." Mark didn't look up from his phone so I just ran by him back up the hall he had come down.

I passed a door, and something sounded like an explosion. I opened it carefully. A huge screen had Glomgold's face, and a robot was standing in the middle of the room. On the far end of room, there was a smoking crater. I leaned farther into the crack.

"I didn't mean kill them, you blasted hunk of junk!" Glomgold sounded mad. The robot didn't respond. "Now how am I supposed to get the jump on Scrooge!"

(Kill who?) There was so much smoke that I coughed.

"There they are. Get them." Someone said. I pulled the door shut a little more. I saw ____ jumped on the robot's back. He tried to buck her like a horse, but she held on.

"Yes!" I whispered.

"Hey, how'd you get over there?" Glomgold's question, but she ignored him. She had bigger problems.

It bucked again, but she managed to hold on. She was awesome! She pulled some wires out of the thing's head and it crashed to the ground.

"What was that?" She asked Glomgold.

"Mechanical malfunction." He shrugged. "Now where was I? Oh yeah. You'll help me find another good luck charm."

I was very confused as to what was going on but ____ was killing it!

"You're a mechanical malfunction." She mumbled, and I laughed. "Look Glomgold, you could've just asked me to give you another good luck charm."

"Well, uh," he fumbled for words.

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