The Duck Knight Returns!

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Something was off in the mansion this morning. I cooked breakfast like I normally did. I ate mine then took Scrooge's upstairs, like normal. I fixed the kids' plates. My phone buzzed with its usual 'Good morning' text from Beaks, only it didn't stop after one buzz. I checked it and I was getting a phone call.

"What up, Launchpad?" I answered it and started putting the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Oh hey, _____! I was wondering if you and Dewey want to join me today after I drop off Mr. McDee." I wondered why he hadn't called Dewey like he usually did.

"Yeah, sounds like fun but I have," I was cut off by the kids running into the room and were arguing about something. "Quite guys, I'm on the phone! Sorry LP, the kids just got up. The answer is yes. Can I call you back in a minute?"

"Oh yeah, sure."

Relieved, I hung up and noticed there were only three kids arguing over the most famous superhero hero of all times. I turned on the dishes and started cleaning. Once they began eating, the noise quieted down.

"Who was that ____?" Lou asked lazily forking something on the plate.

"LP. Though I'm not sure why he didn't call Dewey? Where is Blue?" I asked, picking up a frying pan.

"He was still asleep." Huey stuffed his mouth and wouldn't really look at me. Louie looked a little guilty.

"He is?" I hummed and turned off the sink.

I made my way to the boys' room, and none of them tried to stop me. I knocked once on the door before simply walking in. Dewey flinched away, hiding Selena's sphere, but relaxed when he saw me. I joined him on his bed as he continued to scroll through photos.

"Hey LP called. Wanted to know if we would hang out today." He nodded, but he was clearly distracted. "Dewey, what are you thinking about?"

"Louie has given up on mom." He blurted out then covered his mouth quickly. I widen my eyes.

"Dewey," I said softly, "I'm sure you're mistaken. He just has a different way of showing his emotions."

"No. He all but said he has given up on her." He looked to be on the verge of tears. I pulled him into a hug.

"I'll talk to him if," I was cut off.

"No!" He pulled back to look at me. "If you get involved, it will only make it worse."

I didn't know how to respond, so I went with a safe bet.

"What did he say exactly?"

"He said if Scrooge and all his money hadn't found her, what makes us think we can?" I sighed, and Dewey was on the verge of tears.

"Get dressed. You need a break. I'm going to go call LP to pick us up." So I did. Then I found Huey and Louie on the couch and snatched Green by his hoodie. I pulled him into the hallway.

"Owwww!" He rubbed his neck.

"Why did you say that?" I hissed so Huey, who was most likely eavesdropping, couldn't hear.

"It's the truth!" Lou crossed his arms in defense. I glared at him, and he raised his arms in defense. "I just don't want him to get his hopes up."

"Louie. Scrooge tried to find her and failed but that doesn't mean you guys should give up. Ever."

"Why?!" He retorted.

"Lou," I took a deep breath, "just trust me, please. Have I led you wrong in the past?"

I was pleading with him.

"____, for ten years we've been hoping that we would get to see our mom again," I cut him off.

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