Ring Around The Beaks!

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Suddenly the very loud noise coming from the small round device stopped either from the ringing of embarrassment or the rushing void of space I was now hurdle through. I could still feel the dread, but now it was more like explaining to one's parents why you were playing baseball in the house. Only I was the parent and I didn't know the answer. When I thought I would get frostbite, the air turned hot and defrosted me to the point; I missed the cold that had come before. Finally, after what felt like forever, a cool breeze flicked through and I was smacked in the face with the scent of the sea. I blink and realize that I was now on a dock. Duckburgs dock, to be exact. With the day-old remains of a crashed shaved ice stand a few steps away.

I squealed, thankful to be on solid ground. I ran over to the McDuck part of the peer. LP was unloading the submarine and Huey and Dewey pulled themselves out of the top.

"There you are!" Dewey ran up to me.

"Come on, we need to talk to Uncle Scrooge before he gets too mad at us!" Huey pulled me towards the road.

The last person I wanted to see was their uncle. We had a lot of explaining to do and I wasn't too keen on explaining why it took the Time Turner - I mean submarine - to begin with. However, luck was not on my side. Once on the road, we found Donald picking up Webby and Louie. The boys hopped in. I tried to argue that we shouldn't just leave Launchpad, but they weren't having it.

"He can take care of himself!" Dewey pulled me into the back of the car with the rest of the kids.

"Besides, he has the limo!" Huey helped.

"Hiya, kids. You have a fun day?" Donald asked, taking off. Everybody looked at each other. Maybe he thought no one understood him because there was no answer for a moment. Then all chaos erupted, and we all answered at once.

"It was okay." - H "Just drive." - L "Nope, kinda boring." - D "Completely normal." - W "I just want to sleep." - ___

Donald shrugged, not bothering to decipher any of it, and drove us to the manor in the relative silence. As we went to get out, Louie and Webby stopped me.

"Glomgold industries, now!" Webby pushed me to the driver's seat.

"Hey! What's going on?" Huey asked.

"Yeah, we need, ____!" Dewey tried to pull me away.

"No time!" Louie opened the door and Webby pushed me in.

I didn't argue. I was too drained. To be completely honest, I didn't need to be driving. The kids might've realized that, but only after I nearly ran a red light or two and almost hit a mailman. However, my driving was still better than Launchpad's at the moment so A plus for that. I barely got parked before Webby opened my door and pulled me to the elevator of the pink and blue building. We took it up to the top floor and ran past a pissed looking assistant.

"Sorry, looking for their uncle," I offered as Louie almost knocked the women over. We didn't slow down.

"I will not be forgotten again! I propose a wager, you versus me. Whoever is the richest duck by the end of the year wins." We heard Flintheart form the hallway.

"Come now, Flinty, why would I agree to some ridiculous wager?" I froze at Scrooge's voice.

"Oh, I could think of a reason." I knew Glomgold was holding up the money clip I hadn't swiped off of him only a few minutes ago. Louie busted open the door as his uncle gasped.

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