The Ballad of Duke Baloney!

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It whizzed to life and started making a screaming noise. I panicked and smashed in my hands, but it didn't help. The air was cold then hot, only the heat didn't disappear like last time and it was really hard to breathe and I couldn't see. I panicked, thinking I was still underwater.

It probably wasn't the smartest idea to use a time machine in a submarine. I blinked a few times, and the color returned. The first thing I noticed was sand. Sand was everywhere, and I was sitting in it.

(I hate sand.)

"Okay, Anikin. This is no time for Star Wars reference." I told myself, looking around. I stood up and noticed I was in a bazaar, almost like I had been transported to the movie Aladdin.

(If I am in another Disney dimension, I will scream. I will hunt Walt Disney himself about his supernatural, voodoo, universe hopping shenanigans.)

I took a deep breath and almost choked to death on sand.

The second thing I noticed was that everyone around me was an anamorphic animal. I relaxed slightly. Never thought I'd see the day talking animals would relax me.

The third thing I noticed was everyone was speaking not English. I couldn't make out the words or dialect, but I would place it in Africa. I tried to eavesdrop on someone's conversation to get a more accurate guess, but it started giving me a headache.

The fourth thing I realized was that I was in the past. From the lack of technology to the air quality everything felt older.... newer? Entire experience just gave some sort of weird déjà vu.

I turned back to the Time Turner. I glared at the thing. It had clearly reacted to the name, but I didn't know if it was a good reaction or a bad one. I stood up and walked around the little town. I was not dressed for the occasion, being in western clothes from the future.

I was wearing shorts and a light hoodie. I had changed after we were done with Ferthy because my other clothes were soaked in sweat and saltwater. A few people gave me glances, but no more than being back home in Duckburg. I had learned if I walked around with enough confidence, people really wouldn't bother me.

I found some shade and checked my pocket. I had my phone and my key chain. It only had a few keys that all belong to McDuck manor of course. It also held a thin wallet attached to it. The wallet only held a small amount of cash - 14 bucks to be precise in small bills - and a white plastic key card that allowed access to the Bin and opened the front gate of the mansion. I shoved everything back into my hoodie pocket. American cash would do me no good here, and there was no telling how far I was from the mansion.

I looked at the Time Turner again. It had stopped screaming and looked normal. It looked like a normal clock, clicking away, not screaming, or spinning like before. I wonder what had caused it to go off. I didn't dare change any of the settings. I had zero clues as to what I was going to do. Of course, flashing the McDuck name around might get me somewhere. Scrooge had been wealthy and powerful for quite a while. People would recognize the name, and if I started spending money in his name, I might even get him to show up.

The familiar sounds of English pulled me away from the train of thought. It was harsh and unpolished, but at least I could ask the owner of the voice what the date was or where I was. I followed the noise and noticed they seemed to be having a conversation with someone with a thick Scottish accent. One I recognized.

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