The Depths of Cousin Fethry!

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^^^A/N: A reference photo for the time device^^^

I took the time device out of the drawer in Scrooge's desk. Huey pulled me in here and told me to wait for him to get back. I had gotten bored. I hadn't figured out how to use it, and it was sort of doing its own thing. By "its own thing" I mean it had been doing nothing. It had done nothing for weeks. I had tried a few times when Scrooge was away to fiddle with it, but with no luck.

"It needs a name," I mumbled and turned it over.

"What needs a name?" Huey asked, dragging a naked Dewey in.

"Ah! Huey! You didn't tell me ____ was in here too!" He tightened his towel. I rolled my eyes and stuffed the watch in my pocket.

"Huey, show us the thing, so he can get back to the shower," I laughed.

"The vascular cambium displays three distinct growth patterns rings the exact same distance apart, which means this tree Scrooge found experienced three leap years in a row," Huey explained, excitedly.

"You dragged me out of the bath for this?"

"What are you doing now?" "Huey, don't lick the tree. You'll get a splinter." Dewey and I spoke over each other.

"Tasting for resin samples. They can, ow! Splinter!"

"Told you."

"I said, don't interrupt me unless something exciting happens." Dewey crossed his arms.

"What's more exciting than dendrochronology?"

"Ghouls, ghosts, goblins, time paradoxes," Dewey listed things on his fingers, "daring quest that will cement our names in history. You get the idea."

"Bring. Bring, bru-bring. Bring. Bring. Answer me, please. Bring." We looked at the wall of phones to find a can? Ringing?

"What are you kids doing mucking about in my office?" Scrooge dropped a heavy-looking frame he and Donald had been carrying on his nephew's foot.

"Ah! See the vascular cambium displays,"  Dewey interrupted his brother.

"More importantly, your can is ringing." Dewey pointed at it.

"Tater me tartan." Scrooge crossed the room to stand in front of it. I walked over to help pull the frame off Donald's foot.

"Thank you," he mumbled before Scrooge continued. Donald motioned to keep moving the frame farther in the room, so I obliged.

"Do not answer that! That can, is your Cousin Fethry calling from my top-secret deep-sea laboratory."

"Top secret?" Dewey asked.

"Deep-sea laboratory?" Huey asked.

Donald and I drug the thing over to the slice tree that Huey had been gawking at.

"Don't get too excited. Fethry's a bit, well, he's uh," Scrooge struggled for the word.

"He's cuckoo bananas," Donald offered. He bent over to lift the tree slices. It almost crushed, but I caught it.

"That's not nice," I added as we rolled the tree into its spot on the hooks.

"You don't know the half of it," Donald mumbled.

"Best to ignore it. Every time we get a call form Fethry we rush down there to go on some fool's errand wrapped up in a needlessly dangerous adventure," Scrooge said, putting his hat over the can, "with stupid rambling lectures."

"And the explosions," Donald added.

"And avoiding that mega-tsunami," Scrooge remembered.

"And the explosions," Donald added.

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