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Special thanks to @GrapeJuice1011 & @zentthefirst for your help!!

Word Count: *11,146* 😱


I woke up, like normal, to my phone buzzing like crazy. However, this morning the bed was abnormally inviting. That might have something to do with Scrooge's arms being around me. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not, but I could see his smile.

"Mornin'," I whispered.

"It's been doing that for about an hour," he grumbled, glaring over my shoulder.

"Yeah, they can wait." I leaned back a little, and his hands recoiled slightly.

It upset me that he felt the need to do that. He clearly was fighting every instinct he had. I reached up to touch his cheek, and his eyes slid from my phone to my face. He was watching me closely. He dipped his head closer at the touch. I got the distinct feeling he was holding his breath. Slowly, I leaned in to kiss him and wrapped my free arm around his neck; he went rigid at the action. I pulled away frowning; I hadn't even done anything.

"Love, don't," he started.

"I don't understand." I stared at him. He brushed some hair out of my face. He looked really sad.

"I'm just an old man that keeps trying to push ya into things you're not ready for." He tried to pull away, but I wouldn't let go. Contrary, I pulled him closer.

"Says who? Besides, you've been a perfect gentleman about the entire ordeal," I mumbled into his chest.

"I've got some memories that would say otherwise." He chuckled, and I squeezed him tighter, trying to bury my embarrassment.

"Well, I don't," I pulled away so he could see me pouting, "so I'm right. Besides, it's just a good morning kiss."

He chuckled and I leaned back in to kiss him with no objections this time but my phone went off again. I collapsed onto him with a groan.

"Remind me to tell you never to get a phone for either of us." I huffed, and tried to find the phone without moving too much.

"I don't think it works that way," he laughed. 

My hand closed around it and drugged it into view. I checked the home screen and there were hundreds of notifications from Fenton and Gyro. I sat up, ripping Scrooge off me.

"What's the matter?" There was a knock at the door.

"Scrooge there's an emergency!" Barkley's voice rang from the far side of the door as alarms blared through the mansion.

"Invasion?" he whispered towards me as I scrolled through emails, texts, and missed phone calls, all referencing the satellites' defense being triggered, malfunctioning, and the update failing.

"Invasion," I nodded.

"I'm aware, Beakley. Everyone in the screening room. Five minutes!" He told Beakley, and we heard her walk away.

"Ight see you then." I went to slide off the bed, but he grabbed my hand.

"We can handle this," he reassured me, and with a kiss to my forehead, he let go.

As I ran to my room, I messaged everyone in my contacts. Half way through the messages started bouncing. With a frustrated sigh, I changed and ran downstairs. The kids were already gathered around the TV on Channel 3 news. Beakley stood behind the couch. Della had communication equipment spread all over the coffee table. Huey, Webby, and Donald all sat on the couch. Louie and Dewey sat on the arms, and I plopped on the floor under Blue.

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