Current Events!

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A/N: If you've been reading this since the beginning (or haven't!) - first: thank you because I'm slow af - second: quick refresher! In the first book, there was a part about watching a video after Della returned and that's what I'm referencing here! ✌🏼

I leaned into the soft hand on my cheek and heard Scrooge's voice say something softly. I hummed in response. If this was a dream, it was the best one I'd had in weeks. Sadly, my eyes were sliding opening, so it was over now. However, Scrooge came into focus slowly and I realized I was in his private office, in his chair. Also, he was very close and very real.

My reaction made the chair flipped backwards, dumping me on the floor. I heard him cover a laugh with a cough.

"Are ya okay, Love?" He peered over the chair.

"Yea, I'm fine." I rubbed my head. He offered me a hand.

"Why are you in here?" He pulled me to my feet, and he saw the blanket that had fallen off me at some point last night. "Nightmares again?"

I nodded as I stood the chair back up. I had fallen asleep working on decrypting this second video from Della, from the future. Past? Whatever, I fell asleep, and I noticed I didn't get nightmares here. Because yes, this wasn't the first time I had slept in here, although it was the first time he caught me. Scrooge still seemed to be confused.

"Why'd ya sleep in here, of all places?" I felt my cheeks grow warm and looked at the floor. He tilted his head. "Love?"

"I was distracting myself with the Della videos," I mumbled, but from his face he knew it wasn't the whole truth. I blushed. "It smells like you."

"You still surprise me," he chuckled and took my hand. "Come on, let's get some food in you."

We made our way downstairs, thankfully in silence, but I knew it wouldn't last. He would asked and we would started a weird dance of me trying to avoid answering the questions.

"_____ please tell me about them," he said after we entered the kitchen. Not even a question. Not a good start.

"They're nothing." I tried to push the memory of the nightmares away.

"And that's why I found you in my office this morning." I contemplated telling him. I had asked Lena and she said she hadn't had nightmares in weeks. That meant this wasn't magic related.

"I was," my phone buzzed, and it distracted me. I picked it up, and it was just something dumb from Gladstone. Why was he texting me? I shook it off and turned back to avoiding Scrooge. "They're stupid."

"If they're stupid tell me." I shot him a glare. He sighed in defeat. "If you don't tell me I cannae help ya."

"Knowing you care helps." I forced a smile. He grumbled, not happy with that. I remember I was supposed to meet with Fenton today. "Oh, I need to go to the lab to talk to Fenton. I am allowed out of the house."

"Like if I said no, you stay." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I respect your opinion! You're just over protective sometimes," I scoffed.

"No, I'm not." I gave him a 'you're kidding' look.

"Maybe a wee bit," he huffed, but was hiding a smile.

"It's okay, shows you care." I smiled, handing him breakfast. He shook his head but smiled. At least I made him forget about early for a moment.

After breakfast, which was porridge, LP came by and picked us up. I was glad that Scrooge seemed busy with paperwork and phone calls because it continued to distract him from earlier. I tried to distract myself with my phone's feed but it was dull at the moment.

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