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As weeks passed by, showers continued stinging. Percy didn't vape or smoke as much but was beginning to crave it or a blade most of the time.

He hasn't been gaining enough weight, so he was instructed by his dietitian to drink Ensure protein shakes.

Percy fucking hated them. He would have to drink multiple a day while in the hospital since he had a hard time eating solid food.  It was horrible.

They tasted powdery and chunky if he didn't shake it enough or it sat too long, the flavors were disgusting to him.

He didn't see why he had to drink that, he drank coffee, he drank water, he sometimes drank smoothies, which add on extra calories and sugar?

Percy couldn't believe he pushed himself so hard to eat, just to barely gain any fucking weight and be told to drink gross ass protein shakes.

The worse part is that it was dairy. Milk. His worse nightmare. Dairy was worse than bread to him.

He always felt so fat and bloated after consuming any type of dairy. He'd feel disgusting.

"I don't really think this is necessary..."

Jules sighs, sending Percy a look. "This is what happens when you don't follow the meal plan."

"I have been!"

No he hasn't. Percy's been somewhat falling back into his old habits, hiding food in a napkin at lunch, purging afternoon snack or part of dinner in a bag that he stashed under his bed.

He's starting to exercise excessively again, trying to burn off the calories he looked up.

He didn't want to, he wanted to recover and not feel shitty, but everything has just been so hard. Starting back school and having to follow a fucking meal plan was difficult.

"Honey, I don't want to argue, just please drink it."

Percy grumbles. He knew what was in it. He knew how many calories were in it, dumbass nurses forgot to cover them half the time.

He didn't want to even touch the bottle. He didn't even want to look at it. He didn't want to be in the same fucking house as one of those shakes.

"Can I drink it later?"

"No, Percy, now."

He could've cried. He wanted to cry. He wish he could pour it out somehow, but he knew damn well his mom wasn't going to blink until he drank it all.

The bottle was cold from being in the fridge, marker was scribbled on anything displaying calories, protein, or any type of ingredients.

The only thing show was the chocolate bar and brand name. Fucking Ensure.

"Can I drink half of it now and the second half after dinner?"

Jules sighs, not having the strength to argue and bargain with her son. She had supper to make, it was the weekend, she didn't want to be dealing with this.

"Drink as much as you can now so you don't have to worry about it later, Percy, c'mon honey."

Tears were starting to sting Percy's eyes, he didn't want to upset him mom. He also didn't want to drink the milk made shake.

Just throw a fit and she won't make you drink it.

No, that's awful and pathetic.

But it'll work.

That's rude. I need to drink it. Just a quick few gulps.

A quick few gulps of nothing but liquid calories, dairy, sugar, and cards. Remember there being so much in just this little bottle?

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