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Possible trigger warning, mention of suidical thoughts. It's just a bit but I still want to warn y'all❤️

Last chapter was a wee bit intense✨ so this one will be cute, next one will be even cuter, pinky promise. The beginning is a bit rough tho so-


Percy didn't go to school that Monday...or Tuesday...or Wednesday...or at all that week.

He couldn't mentally handle school, he could barely handle his thoughts that seemed to rerun in his mess of a mind.

Percy was at a low point, a very low point. The thoughts of giving up on everything was constantly on his mind. Just the thought of escaping everything forever was intriguing.

The blonde didn't answer any text sent to him throughout the week, he hardly ate anything, hardly drank anything. He just stayed in bed or took long showers, scrubbing his skin raw.

Something sharp was always near him, small cuts turned into large ones. The pain helped him feel more human, like he was actually living.

He felt like he was just breathing. Like he was worthless and nothing. That he could never do anything but be a bother.

His parents asked Percy over a million times if he wanted to go to a mental clinic, just for 72 hours, just to see if it could help. They were scared to leave Percy alone for too long, they took off work to be with him.

And the moments he was left alone, Percy used the time to cut. To cover his body. It seemed like more cuts and scars were on his body then stars in the sky on a clear, cloudless night.

He felt useless, so incredibly useless. He felt like he was a bother to his family but Kaine heavily assured him they cared so much about him, which is why they're hovering.

By the time it was the weekend, Percy felt the smallest bit better. Better enough to reply to messages and drink some water.

A majority of the dozens of messages were from Sorin and Oakley. Percy completely forgot about Sorin and how he left him unanswered.

He felt horrible and instantly texted him back, apologizing and answering any questions. Most were Sorin asking if Percy was okay or if he was mad at him.

Percy placed a blueberry in his mouth, it was sweet and small. The boys thumb was hovering over the call button, he kept imagining doing it instead of actually pressing the screen.

Swallowing the berry, Percy quickly taps the button, hearing the quiet ringing sound.

Oh gosh, he probably hates me. He probably thinks I'm a shitty ass person and lead him on.

What if he doesn't answer? I get why, but that would be sad.

He doesn't like you anymore most likely...

"Hey! How are you, Bumble Bee?"

The dirty blonde cracked a smile, a small but genuine smile. "Hi, I'm... I'm fine. How are you, Sore-Eye?"

"I'm now really happy because you called." Percy giggles under his breath, it wasn't forced. "Are you doing okay...?"

Percy put another blue berry into his mouth, unsure how to respond. All he told Sorin was something mentally bad happened and he didn't have the motivation to pick up his phone.

"I..." Percy wanted to spill, he didn't go to therapy this week because, well, he couldn't even leave his bed. "No, not really..."

"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want a distraction? Or... Can I help in any way?"

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