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It's my step brothers 10th birthday...and we had cake...and I'm going to be perfectly honest, I was on the verge of tears with every bite...

And my brothers 10th birthday is next week and there's gonna be cake and I don't know if I can't handle it :(

I'm losing myself completely, I don't look like myself, I don't feel like myself, I don't sound like myself, I don't act like myself... everything has been a mess for the past nearly two months...

anyways, on with the semi shitty, very shortish chapter❤️

"You look like a bumble bee."

Percy scowls, hushing Sorin. They were taking an online, semi- important test since the first quarter was ending soon. Percy couldn't believe how much time flew.

Percy was too gay to be good at math, but still was somewhat trying. He wasn't sure how he looked like a bumble bee, maybe his yellow hoodie and black jeans.

"Buzz buzz."

"I will buzz of your hair, shut up."

Percy wrote down another equation on his paper, his mind drawing blanks. He had no idea what to do.

"Are you coming to the Homecoming game?"

Percy forgot it was homecoming week, everyone was posting everywhere who to vote and how the school will beat another team. He only knew that Oakley was trying to win, Kaine got sucked into it.

"Most likely. Now shut up and do your work."

"Okay, Bumble Bee."

Percy's cheeks instantly reddened, his heart fluttered, his stomach did some weird, flip thingy that Percy didn't know if could do.

The dirty blonde constantly glanced at Sorin every few minutes, he was so pretty to look at. Percy felt like the luckiest person in the world to get the honor of just breathing the same air as Sorin.

The blonde stressfully pushed his gorgeous waves back, jabbing numbers into a calculator.

Sorin's eyes adverted up, Percy panicked and quickly looked back at his computer, hoping Sorin didn't notice.

"Why are you staring at me, weirdo?"

"I'm not."

"You were."

Percy huffs, "well I'm not now." His knee shook as he copied down an equation. He could just use a math app to cheat... "Do you know how to factor quadratics?"

"Uh..." Sorin blinks, awkwardly clearing his throat. "You just...factor it..."

Wow, why didn't I think of that... Percy kept his sarcasm to himself and nodded once, continuing to work through the questions.

He didn't do to bad, he was glad it wasn't an actual grade and just a progress check test. Him, and many, many others, would've been screwed if it was a test grade.

"What lunch do you have?"

"Why do you ask?"

Sorin rolled his eyes at Percy questioning his question. "Because."

Percy put his computer away, thankful the teacher gave everyone the rest of class to chill. It was only 20 minutes, but it surely was better than nothing.



"Yep." Percy bit his thumb, the mention of lunch caused goosebumps to spring on his cold skin. "You?"

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