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This is a mix of so many povs I'm sorry this chapter is so rough and all over the place- it's also short-

Sorry it took me so long omg- just lots of lovely things have been happening and I got distracted hehe- I had like no idea what to right and forgot about writing because my mind was full😌

Percy couldn't believe himself.

He couldn't believe he was in the fucking hospital again, with some dumbass meal plan, patches on his arms, and stuck in a room that seemed to get smaller as days go by.

He couldn't believe he was having blood taken out of him almost every day to see if his vitamins and minerals deficiency has magically improved.

He missed Sorin so much. Oh god he did. He missed his hugs and his forehead kisses and his voice and his sweet laugh.

He missed the butterflies that would swarm his stomach and grinning like a dumbass at a row of good morning text.

God he just missed everyone, not just Sorin's. He missed hearing voice of the people love, not annoying nurse's. He wasn't allowed to make any phone calls unless it was to his mom.

Therapist and consulars were popping in and out of his room. It was annoying, he had to keep repeating things and didn't know why he couldn't just have one or two people speaking to him.

He was a fucking mess. He needed, literally, needed to talk to someone he knew. The dumbass nurses and doctors or whoever the hell was watching over him wouldn't let him call anyone.

He just wanted to talk to him mom, or dad, or brother, hell, he'd even talk to Amberly if it was his only option.

Sorin was a mess as well. He kept looking at his phone, instinctively, to see if Percy texted him. His heart would shatter every single time he realized.

All he wanted was to know if Percy was okay, to know if he was safe, in good hands, and was doing better.

It felt like enternity. It's only been 4 weeks, Sorin didn't know how much longer it'd be. It's been the longest, hardest 4 weeks of his life.

"How are you holding up, are you doing okay?"

Sorin wiped the warm water from his face, glancing over at Kaine.

"Yeah, I just miss him and wish he were able to call just for a few minutes." The blonde sighs gently. "Is he still unable to call?"

Kaine frowns and nodded while adjusting the water temperature. "Yes, but they tell my mom updates every few days."

"Is he getting better?"

"Yeah, slowly..."

Sorin frowns but was happy to hear his boyfriend was doing alright. "Do you know how long he'll be there? Of course I want him to get better and stay as long as possible to help but... I also miss him..."

"Yeah, I miss him too... But I'm not sure how long he'll be in there...just depends, I guess. Maybe only for another few weeks...At least he doesn't have a tube up his nose again..."


"Oh." Sorin whispered, unsure what to say. He shivered, not wanting to imagine his boyfriend with a tube in him. "Can I mail him things? Like a letter?"

"Damn, cheesy and cliche."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Kaine chuckles softly, squeezing soap into a cloth. "I'll ask my parents but I think you're allowed to, I'll let you know."

The two talked for a bit while showering, trying not to speak too much about Percy. It just hurt.

Sorin asked how Kaine and Oakley was doing since the miscarriage. Sorin knew both were devastated, Percy going to the hospital must have hurt.

It was nice to talk about random things with each other. They both usually talk about random things with Percy, mainly to make him feel better, but haven't been able to obviously.

"Does your parents know him and I are dating?"

Kaine shrugs, turning his water off. "I'm sure they know something's up with y'all, but Percy hasn't straight up said anything yet. They're very... hesitant with the idea of Percy dating, I'm sure you know why..."


Kaine was quick to add though, "but I know you personally, my parents like you when you come over, Bash loves you... So if they found out that it was you, I don't think they'll be... Scared? Hesitant? You get what I'm saying."

Sorin was happy to hear that, he didn't want anyone upset with them being together. He was also glad that Percy's parents liked him.

The two finished showering, dried off, and changed. They talked for a little bit longer before leaving to go home.

Sorin had a full mind on his way home. Yes, it did help talking to Kaine and knowing Percy is in good hands...but he still had so much on his mind.

He's wanted to talk to his sister, but she usually left shortly after he got home. Atlas has been too busy with work, Aster teething, and college to talk.

Once the blonde got home, he decided a nap would be nice. Just a long nap so he didn't feel sad over missing his boyfriend.

He felt like he was going through withdrawals, god he was so obsessed with Percy. He didn't realize how...bland his life was without Percy.


Kaine watched as Sebastian marched around his room, grabbing random puzzle pieces before marching back over to his puzzle.

"I miss Percy, he like puzzles."

Kaine frowns, god he missed his brother too. His best friend. "I miss him too, Bash, just a little bit longer..."

"Why he gone so long?"

Kaine didn't want to just tell Sebastian to not worry about it, the toddler would be upset. He didn't want to go in depth with eating disorders and how horribly Percy was struggling.

"He's...sick...and at the place he's at, they make sure he gets everything he needs so he stops being sick..."

Bash pouted softly, clicking puzzle pieces together. "They give him icky medicine?"

"Something like that."

The toddler nodded, grabbing more puzzle pieces. Kaine didn't want to know how confused Sebastian, first Remi died, now his brother disappeared. All without much explanation but heavily sugar coated stories.

"When Sorin coming over again?"

"I'm not sure, bud, he's Percy's boyfriend and Percy isn't here so..."

Sebastian grumbles, furrowing his little brows and getting a cute little angry face. "Just ask him! He come see me! With Corn!"

With a short smile, Kaine just nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

Okay listem, I know what y'all are thinking..."this bitch really didn't update for 6 days and gave us a shitty ass, short chapter-"

I legit wrote half, deleted it, started writing some, went back to the original, and like didn't know wtf to do-

My head has legit been full of other happy things that I couldn't even thing of my characters.

So I apologize😌

Hope yall are enjoying! I'll try to get another chapter in soon, my bitch ass just legit forgot-

Don't forgot to vote, comment, follow, whatever else you want-


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