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Think this is a good time to mark this book as mature. I'm sorry if anyone is triggered by the following scenes in this chapter and upcoming ones.

Some will be more graphic or descriptive than others. Some won't be too bad.

Usually the scenes are italicized so you can tell when it starts/ends.


Also, a few of y'all asked me about this, I accidentally published this yesterday when it was only like 1/3 done and unpublished but ig it still notified ppl- sorry for any confusion!!

"It's definitely something to work on, but I'm proud of you for pushing yourself."

Percy nodded once, adjusting on the overly soft sofa. The room smelt like lint and stale air freshener.

"Anything else you want to tell me before you leave?"

There's so much Percy wanted to say. So much. But he remained silent.

"Not really..."

"Alright, I need to speak with one of your parents."

Percy soon left the office, nearly getting lost on his way out to the waiting room. His mom had just arrived to pick him up after grabbing Sebastian.

He sat with Sebastian while his therapist spoke with his mom. He wandered what it was about, he felt anxious.

"Why you always here?"

"What do you mean, bud?"

Sebastian played with the two action figures in his tiny hands. "You always here to talk to lady."

This boy is really asking me why an I always at therapy...

"It's just someone for me to talk to, bud, I'll explain when you're older."

The toddler just nodded and repeated what Percy said in confirmation.


Oakley nervously taps her nails against the counter, unfolding into a nervous wreck. Little dots blinked on the few test, showing it was still processing.

Kaine awkwardly stood on the other side of the bathroom, constantly glancing at the rest, just incase anything was starting to show up.

It's only been 3 minutes. 3 long minutes. Any minute now the results for at least one test should appear.

"What's taking so long?"

"Not sure." Kaine whispered back, gulping. He glanced over at the row of test on the toilet lid. "I think one is done!"

Oakley instantly darted over, snatching up a test.

She was already experiencing possible pregnancy symptoms. Heartburn, extreme nauesous, tender breast, slight moodiness...

Oakley thought it was just her menstruation cycle, but that didn't show up...

The pink haired girl gripped onto the stick, her eyes wider than saucers. All color drained from her face.

"My mom is going to fucking kill me."

Without another word, Oakley slammed the test down and stormed out the bathroom. Percy and Kaine shot each other a look, unsure what to do.

The two looked over at all the test, which were finally showing answers.



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