The Royal Ball pt2

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The feast had began. The first hour of the ball would be a feast and the rest of the night would be dancing and Arthur trying to find a wife. Or husband. Preferably husband.

Arthur, Morgana and his father were the only ones not wearing a mask so Arthur couldn't help but feel slightly out of place. Merlin was no where in sight..or he was just unrecognisable because of the masks. That made Arthur even more out of place.

As a matter of fact, Merlin was at the ball- fea- party and didn't even speak to Arthur until the ball was almost at its end. (So lets skip to that shall we?)

Arthur had danced and talked all evening with many women and quite a few men, without his fathers knowledge......obviously. However the young blond still couldn't connect with anyone properly. At that moment he saw a tall figure leaving the ballroom. He was wearing a blue satin shirt and a shiny red neckerchief. His hair was dark and spiked up. Arthur immediately excused himself and went after him.

"Hello there!" Arthur said with a tad too much enthusiasm.

The loud noise spooked the skinny boy and he spun around with a small squeal. "Arthur you clot- I mean.. what are you doing out here Arthur- sorry Prince Arthur?" The boy rambled out.

Arthur was pretty sure he just fell in love. The ebony haired boy sort of reminded him of his manservant. Especially his eyes. His gorgeous, ocean blue, absolutely amazing- wait no. He stopped himself. He needed to actually speak to the boy to win him over. (Pfft I hate myself ;-;)

"Care to dance? My lord?" The boy said reaching out a hand. He beat Arthur to it.

"Of course" Arthur said. The music was playing loud enough for both the boys to hear it so they began dancing under the stars.

"You know you really remind me of my manservant, Merlin." God damn it Arthur don't say stuff like that. Jeez you idiot you've probably scared him off. He thought to himself.

"I'll take that as a compliment m'lord. It's clear you care for him. I can see it in your eyes." The boy replied laughing to himself. He was right. Arthur did care about him. A lot. He loved him actually. He's only dancing with this mystery man because he reminds him so much of Merlin.

They talked and danced for a good hour, they were full of laughs and joy. Arthur was taken back by the boys beauty. God he looked so similar to Merlin. Suddenly, in somewhat of a trance, Arthur decided to dip the mystery boy down and kiss him. Then he immediately pulled away.

"Sorry..I really remind me of-" Arthur was cut off by the smaller boy saying "Clotpole" and then he pulled Arthur into another kiss.

Ohmygoditsmerlin it's actually Merlin.. Arthur thought to himself.

They broke the kiss and Merlin smirked as he removed his mask. "Surprise dollophead" he said laughing. Arthur's face dropped. Was this a prank?

Merlin saw the look on his Arthur's face and began rambling again. "My lo- Arthur I- you- we uhhh... I um well you see I didn't tell you who I was because I- I didn't want to kiss- I mean I DID want to kiss you and I love you- and I-" Merlin slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Did...did you just say you love me?" Arthur asked, a smile creeping up on his face.

"I... yeah.." Merlin said dropping his head.

"I love you too idiot" Arthur said pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"..clotpole" Merlin said bursting out laughing once they broke away from each other.

"That's it. Run" Arthur said before taking off after Merlin.

Hey! I hope you liked it! It's 2am and I kinda had a writers block so it's not that great but meh ;-;

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