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Merlins POV

I'm going to collage. Technically I already know everything I need to know but I feel like it would be a good experience. Especially since I've been feeling slightly more lonely than usual. So here I am. Walking to Camelot Collage of History and Archaeology.

The city isn't called Camelot anymore, it's called London. It's just called that because it sounded cool. I've lived here for a thousand years and everything has changed. Too much..

10 mins later

Anddddd I'm late. Brilliant. Jusssssttt brilliant. It's my first day and I'm already late. Good job Merlin.

No ones POV

Merlin ran through the classroom door. "Sorry I'm late!" he almost yelled.

"It's quite alright Mister..."

"Merlins fine..thanks"

"Alright Merlin. Don't be late again or I'll have to give you a detention." The teacher said gesturing for Merlin to take a seat.

Merlin went to take a seat. He took out his book and started taking down notes. About 5 minutes later another person ran into the room shouting the same words Merlin did, "Sorry I'm late!"

"It's quite alright Mr. Pendragon, please take your seat" the teacher said.

Pendragon? Merlins head jerked up. Oh. My. God. It was Arthur. Merlin was sure of it. He had the same blond hair, same captivating blue eyes and the exact same voice. The ebony haired boy just wanted to run up and hug him. But by Arthur's small, awkward smile as he sat down in front of Merlin, he obviously didn't remember him. It made Merlin want to cry. It might not even

It made him want to cry. Merlins hope had gone out. Just like the embers of a fire.

"Alright class," the teacher began. "Today we'll be learning about Arthurian legends and debating wether or not we think it's real. But first. Let's see what we know about it. Would anyone like to tell me what they know about the stories of Arthur and Emerys?"

"Wasn't he stabbed by his half sister uhhh.. Morgan?" A girl from across the room said.

As that sentence was said, Merlin noticed Arthur flinch in front of him.

"Correct..but her name was Morgana, not Morgan. Can anyone tell me anything else?"

This time there was no reply. Merlin was itching to say something but his words were caught in his throat. After years of telling everyone Arthur's story, he couldn't tell it again. It hurt too much.

"Alright... looks like some of you are a bit shy so I'll tell the story myself." The teacher said standing from his chair. He had a plan. He would tell the story completely incorrectly and see who would correct him.

"Arthur was killed by his sister Morgana after he betrayed her because he was a warlock. He teamed up with another warlock called Merlin, or as the druance called him. Emmy. Together they killed the king. Luther. Merlin let Arthur die because that was his destiny said by the dragon Kaligrah. Also-" the teacher was cut off by a very agitated Arthur who stood from his chair and began talking, well, more like lecturing.

"Ok. First of all, Prince Arthur was NOT a warlock. Merlin was. Merlin was called EMERYS by the DRUIDS. They didn't kill the king Morgana did and his name was UTHER. Merlins destiny was to protect Arthur NOT kill him. And the prophecy said that when Albions need is greatest Arthur will rise again." He took a deep breath and sat down.

Merlins head was on the table this entire time and as Arthur sat back down he looked up at him. "Arthur...I've missed you, you stubborn prat..." he whispered under his breath.

The teacher smirked as the bell went off. "Class dismissed."

Merlin stood up. He was going to get Arthur to remember him. Or at least be friends with him again. And he would stop trying until it killed him.

Word count 670
Yo yo yooo this is pt1 out of possibly 3 or 4. Sooo stay tuned xD

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