Soulmates Nickname

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Since the dawn of time, soulmates have been bound together by a word. Every child is born with a word somewhere on their body. That word is the nickname your soulmate calls you.

On the day of Prince Arthur's birth, Uther wished to know what his sons word was immediately. "Well Gaius?" The king started, "what does it say?"

"M'Lord he bares his mark on his lower shoulder and the word reads....clotpole?" Gaius told the king in a confused tone.

"What does that mean?" Uther asked, confusion visible on his face.

"I have no idea.."

Later that day Uther made his physician create a potion. This was the only magic the king allowed. This potion would be given to Arthur to hide his word as his father found it insulting.

Arthur knew what the word was but he eventually grew to hate it due to his father's influence so he willingly took to potion every day.

19 years later

Merlin had only been in Camelot a month and he had already been put in the stocks 12 times and he's working for the prat known as Prince Arthur. He came to Camelot for two reasons; to help control his magic and to search for his soulmate. Although he wouldn't be able to do much searching considering he's running after the clotpole 24/7. Clotpole? Merlin quite liked that word. He was so going to use it.

Merlin had a quite common word written on the inside of his hand. The thing is, no one ever called him it. His word was idiot.

"MERLINNN" Arthur boomed from down the hall. Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Coming!" He shouted back as he made his way down the hall.

As he entered Arthur chambers, he put down the clothes he carried on the table. "We have a hunting trip today so I need a change of clothes" Arthur said as he started taking off his shirt. When he turned around, Merlin noticed something that looked like a smudge of ink of Arthur's shoulder.

"What's that?" He asked.

"What's what?" Arthur replied still facing the other way.

"This.." Merlin walked over to him and traced the smudge on Arthur's shoulder. "It looks like ink. How does a clotpole like you get ink on your shoulder?"

Arthur spun around to face Merlin. "What did you say?" He asked, startling the skinnier boy. He was obviously afraid because he stepped away and replied. "N-nothing sire"

"Get the horses ready, I can dress myself." He said turning back around.

"You sure about that?" Merlin said as he began speed waking out the door laughing to himself. However, he stopped because as soon as he got out of the door, he swore he heard Arthur say idiot. But he shook it off and kept walking.

Did Merlin say what I think he said? No. He can't be. Nope definitely not. He's an idiot. Arthur thought to himself.

There's no way Merlin could be his soulmate...right?

WRONG! ok imma do 2 parts to this soo- yea xD I'm also gonna start doing word counts sooo-

Word count 520

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