Letters in the Attic

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"Charlie, come look what I found!" Nick yelled down the attics entrance. A brunette, slender boy make his way up the stairs and moved towards Nick.

They sat next to each other and Nick blew dust off an old leather-bound book wrapped in red silk. Written in a dulled golden ink on the cover was 'the secrets of  Merlin and Arthur' . Nick slowly turned the page to reveal some smudged words on the context page.
'We'll find each other again, in this life or the next'.

The context of the book contained many letters slipped between pages of an unnamed book.

Dearest Merlin,
Dearest Arthur,
I miss you dearly, I'm sorry my father sent you away.
I miss you too Arthur, we'll see each other soon at the festival of druids.
I can't wait to see you at the festival.
It's getting harder to find a secret place for Mordred and I to hide. But we'll be ok.
I assure you my love, as soon as I become king I'll bring you back, and magic.
No matter what happens to me, I will always be with you.
No matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.
They're here for me now Arthur, I don't know if I'll make it this time.
From Merlin.
Stay safe my dear, I'll see you soon.
My dearest Merlin,
I hope you're ok.
Where were you today?
I just got news of your death.
I promise you I will get revenge, and we will see each other in another life.
From Arthur.

"Oh my god..." Charlie whispered. "That was intense." Nick nodded in agreement.
"Is there anything else in there apart from the letters?" Charlie asked.
Nick took the book and shook it lightly. From the book, there fell a sigil. The Pendragon sigil. No note. One could only assume it was like a promise ring, a right of passage to rule, a promise to be together.

Treating it with great care, they placed it upon the box the book was found in and went downstairs and outside. They talked about the book and analysed every little detail they could remember. From the vocabulary to the penmanship. They walked into a corner shop to buy a drink before going back home.

"Hello again boys, back again?" The owner said joyfully, waving at them. He had a long white beard and always wore a blue hat. His eyes seemed familiar but no one could ever put their finger on it.

The boys nodded politely, they've had many conversations with the shop owner but we're too busy talking about what they found to chat. They grabbed their drinks and headed to the till. "What about the sigil?" Nick asked Charlie.

"What're you boys talking about?" The owner laughed.
"Oh, we found these really old letters in Nicks attic. We think they were love letters between Merlin and Arthur. Then we found a sigil. Really weird stuff."  Charlie told him. Nick agreed.
"Very interesting indeed." The owners eyes brightened. "Drinks are on me today, go have some fun!" He laughed.

The boys thanked him and headed out. "See you later Emerys!" The boys shouted as they left.

The shop owner, Emerys. Sat down behind the till slowly. He mumbled something under his breath, his eyes flashed gold and his face and body slowly returned to its original image. Merlin. He inhaled deeply, head in his hands as tears formed in his eyes.
"I finally found you again, Arthur." He smiled softly. "I'll see you again soon my love."

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