His Right Hand Man

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In a dark, quiet corner of the city there lived an old man. He was old yet looked no older than the age of 20 and he had a scar that traveled over his left eye. A thousand years ago he was the kings right hand man.

Merlin had changed drastically, however he was still recognisable. He still had ocean blue eyes that sparkled with hope and ebony hair. He was now more muscular and had a scar that ran from his left eye to his lower back. His personality was still cheerful and sassy but he was thought when he needed to be.

Everything was normal for the warlock, he might even say boring at times. The year was 2007 when everything changed. Again.

The ebony haired man was sat in his living room scrolling through the channels when something caught his eye on the news. The title read:

Mysterious man rises from lake Avalon. Who is he?

Merlins eyes widened in shock as the news reporter began talking.

"Today a man was sighted rising from the ancient lake Avalon. Some claim he could be Jesus, others claim he's a force of evil and quite a few say he could be King Arthur Pendragon from the myths. The man is currently in custody at Saint Uthers police station. If any of you know him please report back to us."

As she finished a picture of a blond, slightly dirty man wearing armour. It was Arthur. Merlin was sure of it. After a thousand years of hoping he had finally come back. All Merlin hoped for is that Arthur remembered him.

The desperate boy sprinted out of his door tripping over on the way out. He was full of hope for the first time in a long time. A wide, goofy smile spread across his face as he ran down the street to the police station.

He swung open the door and almost shouted "is he here?!" They all looked at him confused.
Merlin cleared his throat and spoke again.
"The man..I saw him on the news. He's a close friend of mine and I'd like to see him,"

" please" he added in a more desperate tone.

"This way sir" an officer spoke. Merlin smiled his wide smile again and followed him into a room. "I'll leave you to talk to him" the man said before closing the door behind him as he left.

Merlin sat down and they sat in silence for a good five minutes before the ebony haired boy spoke up. "...Arthur? Is that really you..?"

Arthur looked up for the first time since he got here. He recognised that voice. Merlin.

"Merlin? Is that really you?" He said tearing up.

"Y-yes it is Arthur.." he said standing up. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about my magic sooner I- I didn't want to make you choo-" Merlin was cut off by Arthur pulling him into a warm embrace.

"I forgive you.. I love you Merlin. I should've told you that before I died.." Arthur said through choked sobs.

"I love you too Arthur.." Merlin whispered, a tear falling down his cheek.

One month later

It had been a month since Arthur had risen from lake Avalon. Arthur had learned all the basics of the current era and they were both extremely happy.

Over the course of this month Merlin had thought back to what Kaligrah said:

When Camelot's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary had happened so Merlin simply put it aside. Little did they know..danger was about to strike once more.

Heyyyyyyy! So I'm probably not gonna do a part 2 but if there's enough demand I will :)

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