~Incorrect Quotes pt3~

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Arthur: not knowing about Greek Mythology is my Achilles' horse.

Merlin: Arthur.

Arthur: uh oh, looks like I've opened Pandoras Labyrinth here.


Merlin: stop doing that, you're only twelve.

Mordred: *levitating a rock* first of all, I'm thirteen so shut the fuck up.


Merlin: why is so much expected of me? I just want to live in a small cottage and bake deserts and read novels and write poems no one will ever probably hear.


Merlin: *ranting about his love life to the knights* I've been dropping insane hints for like 4 years now, no response.

Gwaine: wow, they sound stupid

Merlin: but they're not, they're really smart. Just..dense.

Arthur: maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, i don't know... "hey! I love you!"

Merlin: I guess you're right *turns to Arthur* hey! I love you!

Arthur: see! Just like that

Merlin: holy fucking shit...


Gwaine: *jumps on round table and starts singing while the other knights hype him up*

Arthur: what if this was my last straw?


Merlin: yes I'm gay, yes I'm a bastard, no I can't be stopped.

Lancelot: I may not be beautiful but I know a lot of useless information.

Gwaine: i can literally feel my stats double when I wear a nice jumper.

Arthur: are you yelling at me?!? The one person who's never done anything wrong, EVER?!?!

Morgana: "Angel is my favourite pet name because yes, I'm a supernatural being with the divine power to melt the bones off your flesh.

Elyan: it's like I always say, "fuck"

Leon: who hasn't fantasised about illuminating manuscripts by candlelight?


Merlin: my girlfriend literally just died.

Freya: hell yea I did


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