Finally, We Meet Again

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So this is what it comes down to. Mordred.
The man Merlin believed to be dead since the great battle of Camalann. They stood in the same forest Arthur died, except the grass was browner and the trees were naked. Who knew that almost 1000 years later, Merlin would meet the same fate as his lost love...Arthur. The once and future king who died by the hands of the man who was now standing in front of him.

Mordred swung his blade at Merlin who didn't even flinch when it caught his cheek. He swung and swung again. He wanted to know how many little scrapes and cuts it would take before he caught back, or died.

Soon enough, Merlin was on the ground, coughing and spluttering and loosing blood fast.

"Why aren't you fighting back?!" Mordred screamed, kicking him in the stomach.

"I'm sick of fighting, I can't do this anymore Mordred..please...just kill me." Merlin whispered almost inaudibly.

"Very well...goodbye Emerys."
With that he raised his blade and then...

It went black.
Merlin couldn't see anything but he could hear noises around him. The wind, footsteps, breathing..and a voice.

"Wow, you lived a lot longer than I thought you would..."

Merlin recognised this voice immediately. He could not yet see the face that it belonged to, but he replied anyway.

"I'm sorry I made you wait so long."

"You better be." The voice laughed.

Suddenly Merlin no longer saw darkness, he now saw trees and green grass, flowers that filled fields and the setting sun in the distance, turning the sky into an golden colour.
But the most beautiful thing Merlin saw...

Was Arthur.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" Merlin whispered, tears filling his eyes.

Arthur walked up to him, looked him in the eyes, and kissed him.

He broke the kiss and whispered, "Finally, we meet again.. I love you."

"I love you too, Arthur." Merlin smiled.

They then walked off into the sunset, to forever remain by each other's side.

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