Reincarnation pt2

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"Hey! Uh it's Arthur right?" Merlin said catching up to the blond down the hall.

"Yes it is, and you're....Merlin?" Arthur said.

"The one and only. Wanna go grab some coffee?" Merlin replied.
Arthur nodded and said "it's a date" as they walked out of school.

The two boys talked all the way to the coffee shop. They were laughing along to something Merlin had said when Arthur stopped and stared into his ocean blue eyes.

Arthur's POV:

Whenever I looked at Merlin. I couldn't help but feel an instant connection. It's like I knew him in some way. I just..couldn't put my finger on it. Eh I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

No ones POV:

"Arthur? Earth to Arthur?" Merlin said waving his hand in front of the mans face.

Arthur came back to earth and said, "sorry you just...really remind me of someone.." then he shrugged. "I'm sure I'll remember eventually."

Merlins mood had gone from happy to confused, yet exited. Maybe there was a chance. Maybe Merlin could get his clotpole back.

Four months later (yes I know. It's a long time skip. Shush)

It had been four months since Arthur and Merlin had started dating. This particular morning Arthur had woken up with a migraine so they were skipping school.

Merlin tended to Arthur's every need as he usually does. It makes him feel like he's in Camelot again. Whenever he did anything remotely nice Arthur would tell him "calm down Merlin, it's not like your my servant." Every time he heard that Merlin would laugh to himself. If only he knew...

"Arthur.." Merlin whispered. "I brought you a drink.." he walked over and sat it down by the bedside table.

Suddenly, Arthur yanked him down into a hug. Merlin got himself comfortable and he wrapped his arms around the former prince. "Arthur i should really make breakfa-"

"Just hold me...please.." Arthur whispered.

Merlins eyes filled with tears as soon as those words came out of his mouth. He immediately thought back to the time Arthur..died. It was a horrible feeling of loneliness and depression.
Merlin tightened the hug and chocked out a sob.

"Wha- wait what's wrong? Is it something I said?" Arthur asked, panicked.

Merlin looked up at Arthur and laughed to himself as he said, "you've done nothing really are a clotpole aren't you?"

At that moment, Arthur's eyes went wide as his eyes flashed shades of gold. Merlin immediately started freaking out. "Arthur are you alright? What happened?"


"Do we need to call a doctor? Do you feel faint?"


"Oh gods what have I done. Some warlocks probably hexed you and I-"


Merlin slapped a hand over his mouth. He just mentioned warlocks. Crap. Oh god what'll Arthur think.

"Merlin...I remember..I remember everything.. you idiot warlock" Arthur smiled.

Tears filled Merlins eyes. His Arthur was back. Finally.

Merlin pulled Arthur in and kissed him.

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you too Merls.."

Word count 515
Da da daaaaa! Finnisheddddd! Anyways hope you enjoyed! Byeeee

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