Soulmates Nickname pt2

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They were half an hour into the hunt and Arthur hadn't make one witty remark. Merlin was starting to get worried.

"Oi dollophead, you haven't said a word since we set off. You alright?" Merlin said waking up beside him.

No reply.

"Well I suppose I'll have to annoy the words out of you. How about I recite some poetry? Give you as many nicknames as possible? I'll do that one. Ok so.... cabbage head, dollophead, bone idle toad, clo-"

"Shut up merlin." Arthur said in his normal, playful tone.

"Wait.. what were you about to say?" He added.

"Hm? Oh uhhh..I don't know. Slipped my mind. Why?" Merlin replied with a grin.

"You really are an idiot aren't you Merlin?" The blond laughed.

Merlins face went pale, paler than usual. "W-what?"

Arthur looked back at the startled boy, "i called you an idiot..are you ok? you look like you've seen a ghost"

Merlin zoned back in. "Hm? Oh it's nothing. We should probably settle down for the night."
(Yes it's night now I have bad time management xD)

After the two boys set up camp Merlin sat down on the floor whilst Arthur layer against a log. They were in total silence. Awkward silence.

"Sooooo" Arthur began "wanna talk about....something?"

"Like what?" Merlin replied.

"Uhhhh... trees?" he said his voice full of uncertainty.

Merlin burst out laughing, "You really are a clotpole aren't you?"

Arthur whipped his head up. "What?"

"You're a...clotpole?" Merlin said again.

"Thats my word.." Arthur whispered under his breath.

"Huh?" Merlin asked.

"I said..." he took a deep breath. "That's my word..on my shoulder..the nickname my soulmate gives me."

Merlins face flushed. "Whaaaat? No way, you're joking ahaha"

"God you really are an idiot" Arthur said smiling and rolling his eyes.

Merlin froze. "Damn.. I guess you weren't kidding.."

Arthur looked into merlins ocean blue eyes. "You said my soulmate nickname..." Merlin finished.

Both of the boys stared at each other. Full of hope and love yet fear and dread. Merlin was a servant and male. The king would have him killed if he found out.

"What are we gonna do..?" Merlin asked, his voice shaking.

"I don't know.." Arthur replied, "I don't know"

Then they both got an idea.

Word count 400
Gsbsgsjsghsjash cliffhangerssss! I'm deffo gonna do another part to this considering that things are just getting interesting xD

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