Kids in the Woods

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Arthur sped down the halls, dodging the knights and the servants that roamed the halls. His father had called for him for his first mission. This would be the biggest mission the young prince had ever received as he just turned 18.

"You called for me father?" Arthur spoke, swinging open the oak panelled door. His fathers glare was cold and foreboding, Arthur lost some of his confidence and stood before his his king.

"My son. You are aware of the children that have started to go missing?" Arthur nodded. "We have discovered that the sorcerer Emerys is the criminal behind these kidnappings. We are aware of his location but I need you to track him down and take him in. He'll never suspect you as he is unaware I have a son." The king looked at his son.

Arthur hesitated. "Yes father. I'll set off at sundown." He left.

Arthur didn't know how to feel on the journey to Emery's hideout in the woods. On the one hand, he was exited about his first official mission to hunt down a sorcerer. On the other hand, what if he regretted it? Not all sorcerers are evil after all. He may have been the only one that knew it.

The crowned prince rounded the corner and was met with a fantastic sight. The trees were the most vibrant green he'd ever seen and butterflies glistened in the sun. He saw all the missing children laughing and cheering. They all played fun games like tag and others drew with chalk on a slabbed pathway. They all looked so happy and colourful compared to when they were in Camelot.

Arthurs gaze shifted to an ivy covered cottage, the brown, mossy door opened slightly and revealed the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He had wavy, ebony hair and chiselled cheek bones. He wore a royal blue shirt and a crimson red neckerchief with a brown jacket. And his eyes. He could look at his eyes for eternity. An piercing ocean blue that showed only compassion and kindness.

He saw him.

He began to walk over to the prince, a precious smile across his face, filled with warmth and wonder.

"What brings you to this part of the forest, Prince Arthur?" Emerys asked. His voice was smooth and sounded like wind chimes on a summers day.

"Hi- do you know..." Arthur was cut off.

"I know everything, clotpole. I am the 'most powerful sorcerer to ever live' or whatever." He shrugged giggling slightly. Arthur was taken back for a moment. How could this be an evil sorcerer that kidnapped children?
"Oh and, call me Merlin by the way. That's my real name. No idea who came up with the name Emerys but it's dumb....anyways, care for a tour?"

Arthur nodded, unable to speak. He was in utter disbelief and was already very attached to Merlins somehow. The sorcerer walked him around the gardens and his home, explaining every little detail of his and the children's day. There had to be about 20 children and Arthur had no clue how he took care of them all. And why did he bring them here?

"Em- Merlin..why did you take these kids? There's missing posters all around Camelot. The king, my father, sent me to bring you in." This was the first time he managed to speak to the other man. Merlin gestured to rocks beside them, telling him to sit. They sat down next to each other, weirdly close might I add.

"It's kind of hard to explain so I'll put it as simply as I can for a cabbage head like you to understand. All these children," he gestured to the children playing with each other gleefully, "they all had...a difficult life at home. They weren't happy. They were scared, alone, damaged...forgotten. And I'm most of them have magic. I saw how much pain they were in so I built this place so they could be safe and happy again. You can take me away if you wish but just make sure the children stay safe." Merlin looked at the kids in front of him with pure love and protection.

Arthur was about to speak when a small child interrupted. She couldn't have been older than 7 years old, long blond hair down to her shoulders and large, dark eyes. "Mr Merlin, could you do a trick please..." her voice was timid and she didn't make eye contact.
Merlin picked her up playfully and agreed. "It's just Merlin remember!" He said joyfully, "everyone gather round! You can come too if you wish Arthur."

The children and Arthur gathered around Merlin, their faces filled with joy and anticipation. The sorcerer asked what they wanted to see. The children shouted butterfly! Unanimously.

Merlin smiled and picked a blade of grass. He showed it to everyone in front of him and winked at Arthur, making him blush a little. He enclosed his hands around the blade of grass and whispered a spell. Arthur was entranced, Merlin's once piercing blue eyes transformed into a fiery golden orange and a bright yellow swirled around them. He switched his gaze back to Merlin's gentle hands, slowly he revealed a royal blue butterfly, it glimmered in the sunlight and all the children jumped with glee and chased it across the woods.

Merlin laughed a beautiful laugh and walked back towards the cottage. His smile dropped slightly and he turned towards the prince. "I suppose it's time for you to turn me in now huh?" His face saddened. He didn't want to leave this safe haven he took so long to create.

Arthur was taken back once more. He knew what he was going to do, but he didn't know how to say it. He took a deep breath. "No." He blurted out. Merlins eyes lit up. "What?" He asked.

"I said no, Merlin. I'm not taking you to Camelot. And..." he gulped, "I don't want to go back either. This place you've  created, it's so wonderful, beautiful, freeing. What I'm trying to say I stay here?" He spoke quickly but Merlin heard every word.

He hugged Arthur tightly and whispered yes in his ear. "Thank you, Arthur."

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