~Incorrect Quotes pt1~

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Hey! So I'm gonna be doing some incorrect quotes between stories whenever I have writers block sooo- yea here we go lol


Merlin constantly saving Arthur's life: I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that I'm doing it well.


Morgana: we meet again Emrys

Merlin: hello Morga- wait did you just call me Emrys?

Morgana: ...yes?

Merlin: because of the prophesy-

Morgana: look I'm sorr-

Merlin: wow ok hey my dads dead too so why don't you just call me Mr Dead Dad. *struts away*


Arthur: what you got there?

Morgana: A KNIFE

Arthur: ok! Have fu-

Merlin: NO-


Lancelot: if you took a shot for every time you made a mistake, how drunk would you be?

Gwen: a little tipsy

Arthur: drunk

Gwaine: wasted

Merlin: dead.


Gwaine: I can't go, stress is bad for the baby

Percy: what baby?

Gwaine: me.


Arthur banging on the door: MERLIN OPEN UP

Merlin: it all started when I was a child...

Gaius: no he meant-

Gwaine: shhhhh. Let him finish.


Merlin: I'm not doing too great Gaius

Gaius: what's the problem?

Merlin: I have this headache that comes and goes

Mordred: hey guys

Merlin: oh look it's back


Arthur: what are you gonna do? Stab me?

Mordred: *stabs him*

Arthur: shouldn't of asked


Ookkkkk that's enough of that xD anyways hope you enjoyed whatever the heck this was

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