Island Of Nightmares

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"Welcome to the Island Of Nightmares! The place where your dreams come to life!" a voice boomed through the woods of the small island. "We hope you enjoy your stay...because you're not leaving... ever." The voice then cut off leaving two knights, Arthur and Merlin in shock.

No one spoke, they all just stared at each other. That was until Merlin spoke,
"Isn't there be some kind of loophole?!" Merlin yelled into the abyss.

There was a cracking sound that echoed across the woods.
The deep voice then spoke, "There way to get off this island alive.."

"And what's that?" Arthur spoke up.

"To escape the island, all four of you must reveal your worst fear.. or in other words.. your worst nightmare.."

Arthur, Merlin, Gwaine and Lancelot all looked at each other and nodded.

"We have a deal." Arthur said.

"As you wish...person 1 please step forward and place your hand on the stone."

As the mystery man said that, a shiny, blue stone emerged from the ground. As it did this, everyone immediately looked at Lancelot.

Lancelot sighed. "alright. I'll go first." He said.

Lancelot walked towards the stone and placed his hand on it. As he did, black smoke formed into shapes and visions in front of him.

In the smoke it created images of his family. They were all shouting and screaming. There was a fire. Lancelot and the others were forced to watch as Lancelots worst fear came to life. His family. Burned.

Once the illusion was over, Lancelot backed away, tears in his eyes. " go next." He murmured.

Gwaine patted him on the back as he made his way over to the stone. He placed his hand on it and the black smoke formed another image.

It showed Gwaine. Alone in the dark. The darkness was eating him from the inside. He was curled into a ball and was whispering nonsense to himself. He feared being alone. He feared that being lonely would drive him insane.

Gwaine backed away from the stone and fell to the ground, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. Lancelot and Merlin comforted him as Arthur made his way forward to show his worst fear.

Arthur was hesitant at first. He didn't know what his worst fear was. But deep down, he somehow knew what it would be.

As he placed his hand on the stone, the image of Gwaine morphed into one of his father. He was shouting, what he was saying wasn't exactly clear at first then they could make it out. He was saying something along the lines of Death, love, men...Merlin. Arthur's father then disappeared and another body appeared on the floor. It was Merlin. And he was dead. He had a sword driven straight through him. Arthur was about to scream but then the image reduced to nothing.

Arthur was shaking but his face showed no emotion. He was silent.

Everyone then looked at Merlin. Merlin wasn't moving. He was frozen with fear. He didn't zone back in until he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Arthur. "It'll be ok.." He whispered.

Merlin took a deep breath as he moved towards the stone. Once he touched the stone, it shone brightly and the black smoke turned gold. Merlin gulped as the image formed in front of him.

It showed Arthur and the knights. "KILL HIM!" Arthur yelled pointing at the fake Merlin. All the knights chased him for hours. Eventually the boy was surrounded by knights. Arthur made his way through the crowd to face him.

"Hello sorcerer." Arthur said in a menacing tone. He walked towards Merlin as he tried explaining himself.

"I did it for you Arthur, only for you and I-"

"Shut up sorcerer!" Arthur said drawing his sword. "You lied to me, so now you're going to pay.." The illusion of Arthur then stabbed Merlin in the chest.

Then the smoke disappeared. Everyone stood in silence. Merlin was still stood by the stone, tears freely streaming down his face as he stared at nothing.

Suddenly, the voice broke the silence. "Congratulations. You're free to go" a portal then opened in front of them that would take them back to Camelot.

Merlin was the first person to run through the portal. He needed to get as far away as possible.

Lancelot was the first one to run after him. He knew that Merlins magic being revealed may have many consequences.

Gwaine was next to follow. He patted Arthur on the shoulder and whispered, "don't be too hard on him... you saw his fear.. he's afraid you'll kill him.. he's afraid we'll all kill him.."

A few minutes after Gwaine left, Arthur snapped out of his daze and went through the portal. He knew what he had to do.

All three of the knights chased after the manservant shouting for him. Lancelot and Gwaine reached him first.
"Merlin! Wait please!" They both shouted.

Merlin spun around and his eyes glowed gold, with that a translucent shield formed around him, almost out of instinct.

"Gwaine and Arthur aren't going to hurt you Merlin.. I promise.." Lancelot said, taking a step towards Merlin.

Merlin trusted Lancelot and lowered his shield.

"Merlin, I would never hurt you, magic or not.. you're my friend" Gwaine said hesitantly. He had to choose his words carefully just in case Merlin got the wrong idea.

Both men dropped their swords to show that they wouldn't use them.

Merlin fell to his knees and let the two other men embrace him.

Merlins calm persona soon changed as soon as Arthur came into view.

At this point, Merlin had no control over his magic. A force field surrounded Merlin and the two knights, the weather changed from a sunny day to a thunderstorm and Merlin backed up against a tree, trembling in fear.

"Arthur!" Lancelot almost shouted, "Put your sword down!"

Arthur obeyed and slowly put his sword down raising his hands in the air. "what do I do now?!" Arthur shouted over the thunder.

"Reassure him! Tell him you won't hurt him!" Gwaine yelled.

"Merlin..." Arthur began. "I'm not here to hurt you I swear.."

"How can I believe you?! You're entire family hates people with magic!" Merlin yelled, lightning striking down.

"Merlin I swear! I would never hurt you! Merlin..." Arthur took a deep breath, "I LOVE YOU!"

Then everything stopped. The storm stopped and the force field dropped. "You...what?" Merlin said, shock written over his face.

"Merlin.. I love you. I have since we first met. I assumed you had magic, I decided I wouldn't hurt you if I was right..I won't tell anyone else. I promise I'll keep you safe."

Arthur walked towards Merlin and the two knights stepped aside.
Merlin ran into Arthur's arms and hugged him, "I love you too.." he whispered.

"Aww that's adorable" Gwaine practically yelled.

"Shhhhh" Lancelot put a hand over Gwaine mouth.

"EW! Did you just lick me?!" Lancelot said.

"...maybe.. wanna go to the tavern?" Gwaine asked.

"Sure" Lancelot smiled.

Word count 1184
Jeez, this must be the longest story I've written on this book xD
Anyway I hope you enjoyed lmao

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