Love Spell?

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I wrote this at 2am so I apologise for any typos or plot holes.

"Mornin' Arthur." Merlin said, drawing back the curtains.
Arthur groaned and rolled over to face away from the bright sun beaming down on him.
The sorcerer looked down on the lazy git and laughed to himself.

He grabbed his legs and groaned, "come on Arthur you have like...five meetings today you can't be late."

Arthur fell on the floor with a thud. He looked up at Merlin and his eyes lit up.
"Alright Merlin! Let's get on with it!"

He quickly kissed Merlin on the cheek and ran into the other room to get changed (god knows how he did it by himself).

Merlin stood in the same position for a solid ten minutes. Just...staring.

Did Arthur just kiss him?
Arthur Pendragon?
The Prince?
The Prat?
His crush?

Nah. He imagined it.

He walked out of Arthurs room to go collect the things his prince needed for the day.
And after that, well, Merlin needed to look for a way to break a love spell. Apparently he was convinced Arthur was under one.

"Gaius!" He yelled, bursting open the door.

The poor man was scared half to death before replying in a calm tone. "What is it now Merlin?"

"I think Arthur's in love." Merlin I don't know.

"And how did you cause that?" Gaius smirked.

"I think he's under a love spell and I need something to counter it, got anything?" He asked, slightly more irritated.

"I'll have it to you by this afternoon." He smiled at Merlin.
Merlin just rolled his eyes. He knew that Gaius had the antidote he just wanted to have his stupid old guy fun. The sorcerer couldn't stay mad at him though so he just said ok and walked off.

Merlin had been able to avoid Arthur all morning. The constant pining was too much and Merlin wanted to kiss him so bad. But Arthur wasn't himself right now. Prince Arthur probably didn't even like him.

"MERLIN." Arthur yelled, almost like his normal self, just slightly more...loving?

"Yes sire?" Merlin groaned walking into his room. Only ten more minutes then he'd be free from this nightmare.

Arthur flopped down on the bed. "You know I love you, right?"

Merlins face turned bright red. He knew it was the spell talking but it seemed so damn real.
He then decided it was better to say it now then never. Arthur probably wouldn't remember anything after the spell was lifted anyway.

"I love you too, clotpole."

Just then there was a knock at the door. Thank god. Merlin basically ran to the door, grabbed the antidote from Gaius and not so subtly poorer it in Arthurs drink.

"Here Arthur, you need to stay hydrated." He said handing his 'friend' the antidote.

Arthur smiled lovingly and took a sip. The ebony haired boy stared at him intensely to see if it had any physical effects.

"What the bloody hell are you looking at Merlin?" Arthur said.

Ah, so he's clearly back to normal then. Merlin thought to himself, disappointed.

"You have a meeting with your father at 7. If that's everything, I'll be off. I need to run errands for Gaius." Merlin said.

"Alright, thank you Merls." Arthur said standing up.
He walked past Merlin, kissing straight on the mouth and then walking away.

Turns out Arthur wasn't a love spell. He was just told by Gwen to be more direct. So...he was.

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