Drgk- Deink- Dr- DRUNK

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Hey! So in this story everyone gets drunk as hell and I basically explain how I think they would act drunk-

In a few hours Merlin, Arthur and the knights will be going down to the tavern and getting drunk as hell.

Damn Tavern stories..I knew they'd come back to haunt me one day. Merlin thought to himself. Despite Gaius' constant comments from Merlin being at the tavern..Merlin had never even drink alcohol. He was so screwed.

Hour 1 at the tavern, 10pm-11pm

Gwaine: on his 5th pint of beer, not drunk at all due to his inhumanly high alcohol tolerance.

Percy: half way through his first pint. Already slightly tipsy (frickin lightweight). Promised himself he'd only have 3 drinks max.

Leon: finished his first drink. That's all he's having. He's the sober friend who has to make sure everyone gets home safely.

Elyan: isn't drinking yet, he's gone off somewhere talking to some of the regular tavern girls. He'll have a drink when he gets a decent drinking partner.

Lancelot: 2 drinks down. (He was tense ok?) he's bit tipsy and he's laughing at literally everyone and everything.

Arthur: has had 2 and a half drinks. He's not drunk yet, but it takes a while for the alcohol to catch up to him. He's suspicious of Merlin because he's hardly touched his drink.

Merlin: hardly touched his drink. Acting very suspicious. Avoiding eye contact. Making small talk with Leon.

Hour 2 and 3, 11pm- 1am

Gwaine: playing strip poker with a group of girls and guys, he's had around 17 drinks, he's borderline drunk.

Leon: *concerned parent friend noises*

Percy: finished his 3 drinks, is slightly drunk and is making small talk with a group of less popular knights. Talking about god knows what.

Elyan: found his drinking buddy. The competition is whoever can last the longest without passing out wins. Obviously he's drunk as hell.

Lancelot: *growing concern for the two people playing a drinking competition*

Arthur: on his 4th drink, drunk. Laughing at the competition happening in front of him.

Merlin: is Elyans drinking partner. Turns out every drink he has, it's like he has a different personality. He wasn't originally going to drink but he was dared by Arthur soooo- here we are.

Hour 4-5, 1am-3am

Gwaine: had roughly 35 drinks. He's wasted and flat out drunk. He ended up passing out so Leon took him home.

Leon: took Gwaine home but left to go back to the tavern to make sure no one hurts themselves. Is now sat round the table.

Percy: sat round the table talking to the others who weren't black out drunk. He's sobered up a bit considering he hasn't drank for a while.

Elyan: passed out, loosing to Merlin. Leon also had to take him home shortly after Gwaine.

Lancelot: hes also sat around the table talking with the others. he's had roughly 6 drinks. Had to stop Merlin from drunkenly revealing his magic multiple times. Still a bit giggly though.

Arthur: decided to sober up a bit (he's still tipsy tho)  and have a conversation with Leon and the others. He looks over at Merlin, who's sat next to him because his mood changes quite often when he's drunk.

Merlin: drunk as hell. Absolutely wasted. First he was giggly and laughing at everything, then he was crying, then he almost revealed his magic...5 times etc etc. Now he's just tired.

Hour 5, 4am, going home

Leon: watching every single one of his remaining friends making sure they don't faceplant.

Percy: stumbling every once and a while, laughing and singing with Lancelot. Borderline drunk. 

Lancelot: singing with Percy. Drunk and falling over every 5 minutes.

Arthur: sobered up almost completely (that won't stop the hangover lmao), carrying Merlin looking at him fondly.

Merlin: fell asleep on Arthur's shoulder in the tavern. Subconsciously knocks things over with his magic. Of course all the knights are too drunk or oblivious to notice. Being carried by Arthur.

The next morning, 9am

Gwaine: completely normal, goes back to the tavern before training.

Leon: he ok too, he has a headache, but that's from hearing Percy and Lancelot sing, well more like scream for half an hour.

Percy: headache, decided to skip training because he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes.

Elyan: walking around the castle sloppily with his hands in his ears. He got hit many times with a mace during training, making him want to just go back to bed.

Lancelot: had a headache and felt nauseous but decided to go to training anyway. He fell over multiple times and finished early because he couldn't be bothered.

Arthur: late to training because Merlin didn't wake him up on time (typical). He has a migraine but brushes it off because he's king and he has to do kingly stuff- oh who's he kidding. He went back to bed after 10 minutes of training.

Merlin: fell asleep in Arthur's bed because he was really clingy when drunk. He totally freaked out when he woke up there and Arthur wasn't there. Then he slammed his eyes shut because lights hurt his eyes. He then heard the doors open and felt someone slide in the bed and wrap their arms around him.

"Idiot" Arthur whispered.
Merlin smiled and drifted off back to sleep, holding Arthur's hand. 

Word count 900!

I hope you enjoyed reading whatever this was!

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