Mari's Morning

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Hi my name is Mari. I'm 15 years old and I'm a new junior in high school. My friends are Molly, Amisha, Stephaine, and Emma. It's the first day at school and I have no idea if Ethan is going to come back this year. I just have to find out tomorrow

"The First Day Of School"

I wake up getting ready for school. I go to a public school with my friends. We are all neighbors so we visit each other all the time during the summer. I decided to wear a short white dress with a small brown belt, a brown leather jacket, and light brown high heel boots. I ran down stairs cause I was running a little bit late. I grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, said goodbye to my mom (my dad goes to word early), then ran through the door.

I made it to the bus stop meet up with Molly, Emma, and Stephaine. I look around and didn't see Amisha.
"where's Amisha?" I asked.
"she is trying to finish up her homework at her house." Molly said.
"Oh ok" I said
"I'll text her to hurry up."

A=Amisha M= Mari

M= Amisha hurry up the bus is going to be here in 5 minutes.
M= ok calm down I'll help u on the bus now come on.
A= coming

"On the bus"
We always sit at the back my original seat is next to Molly and amisha. Emma and Stephaine sit next to each other. While I was helping amisha with her homework I didn't notice Ethan was starting at me.

I was sitting behind my crush Mari. I really want to go out with her but my friends are always holding me back and they don't really like her that much. I hope she likes me too, probably not.

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