Chapter 18

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Mari's P.O.V.

(Sorry if the pic looks fat)



"What should our name be." Stephanie said.

"Ummm idk." Amisha said.


"Thats a great idea molly." I said.

"Thanks girl." Molly said.

We all laughed. After a while we decided to make a Video about introducing ourselves to the world of youtube. Stephanie turned on her laptopl, so we could get started.

Hey World and we are INNER BEAUTY!!!!!!

(Me) We Are going to introduce ourselves one by One.

(Molly) Im going to go first. My name is molly hamann. Im the funny one in the group. Im 16, my favorite color is orange, and I love tall, blonde, and muscular guys.

(Amisha) My name is Amisha. Im the Lazy, and a video game nerd in the group. Im also 16, you know what we are 16 to rap this up. My favorite color is grey, and i dont like any boys at all, so back off.

(Me) My name is Mari. Im the Bubbly (Happy) One in the group. my favorite color is purple. Thx to amisha I dont have to state my age.


(Me) Any way I like short not too short, African american guys (Not trying to be racist), and muscular guys.

(Stephanie) Thank you mari. Hello world my name is Stephanie. Im the creative one in the group. My favorite color is green. im 16 like amisha said, and I dont like boys either just like amisha. One more fact im Korean.

(Molly) Thats It. Thank you for listen to us. Me and Mari are both single, If you want to hook up with us put in comments.


After that stephaine saved it and posted it. stephanie shut down her laptop. I decided to get out my phone and started looking through pics on instagram. after a while we all decided to leave and go home. I just remembered that ethans house was right next to mine i just hope he doesnt come out.


Ethans P.O.V.


I invited sergie over to my house just so we could hang, and so we could get the girls off our minds.

" hey lets see if there is any new youtube videos." Sergie said.

"Sure heres one its called INNER BEAUTY." I said.

I clicked on the video and we Watch the video. When we saw molly and Maris faces we started getting depressed. WE were fine till the end when molly said they were both single. My heart broke after hearing that.

"we need to do something special for them." sergie Said.

" No way, becuase the last time i surprised her she slapped me in the face." I said.

" Mabye it was the wrong approch." Sergie said.

"Ok fine but if she slapps me in the face again im moving on for real this time."

"Ok this is the plan." Sergie said.

After 20 minutes of whispering we finally got ready to work.


Mollys P.O.V.


Mari decided to come home with me, so we can both talk about our feelings.i heard a knock on my door i got up to answer it. when i open the door no one was there, except for a letter.

Dear Molly, and Mari

We are sercret crushes. Plz wear nice outfits and make up. We will pick you up in a limo. See you in 20 minutes.


Your sercret crushes

I got so excitedi ran up stairs and showed mari the letter. she jumped up and down screaming. IM so glad our youtube thing worked. I wore (in pic white girl) and Mari Wore (in pic african girl) we both wanted to wear similar desses. After another 10 minutes doing makeup we went downstairs. Two boys popped out of the bushes and blind folded us. Mari and i started kicking and screaming. After a whilee we calmed down a noticed the car stopped. One of the boy picked me up and placed me down on a blanket. I took off My blind fold off and saw a huge picinic in front of my eyes. i saw Mari next to me.

"Hey Ladies." Some one said.

I finally reconized that voice... It was sergies. My eyes filled up with tears, not sad tears but happy tears. I turned around and huged him so tight.

"I missed you so much sergie." I said while crying.

"I missed you to bae." He said.

I smashed my lips into his, just a way saying i love you and i forgive you.


Mari's P.O.V


i turn around and saw ethan. I wasnt sure how to feel but feel i bit happy and sad at the same time. ethan picked me uup and swung me around. That made me so happy when he stop i pushed my lips into his.

"Promise me you ill never leave me again." I asked.

"I Promise my love." Ethan said.

We all enjoyed our picnic together and decided to be together and never lose each other.

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