Chapter 20

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Mari's P.O.V
I'm super excited that we finally get to our destination. One of the volunteers came inside the bus.
"HI." we all said.
"It is official 80 depress outside so I hope you all have a lot of sunscreen. Plz bring all your suitcase and the boys on the right side and girls on left side." He said.
We got all of our stuff off the bus and do what we're told. After listening to those super long rules that no one really cared about we all started to choose our bed and get settled. Molly slept next to me with Alex sleeping in front of me. The worst thing was one of the rooms in the cabin didn't have a bathroom so the room had to share the 5th grade or our bathroom. They were so loud and annoying I was at least glad that there was a door.
"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Stephanie yelled.
"Ok i got it." I said.
I closed it but it didn't work we still heard them loud and clear.
"Urgh so annoying." Molly said.
"Ikr." I said.
It was time for lunch ( sorry I forgot). After lunch they told us even more rules. After that we finally got an 1 hour break to chill until or first class. Our fist class was WHAT WAS THE DIFFERENCE STEREOTYPES. We meet our group. There was three groups 1,2,and 3. We meet our team leader his name was Mr. Kris. We left to do our class. We had partners so Mr. Kris would ask us questions while the other partner was somewhere else. When they came back we see if the partner gets the same answers as the other partner. We wrote it on a piece of paper.
"What's your shoes size." Mr. Kris said.
"9" Molly said.
"Yes same answer."
"Vanilla or chocolate." Mr.Kris.
"Chocolate." Molly said.
"Same." I said.
we finished the game. The next one was telling our personal fears. Everyone would go in a circle and tell there fears one by one. He told us what's said into the circle stays in the circle.

Sorry what said in the circle stays in the circle lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

We finished our first class and had dinner. (I forgot that to). We got ready for bed. Me and Stephanie got in the shower first. We all got into the bed and fell asleep until. ...... We HEAR THE STUPID 6th GRADERS YELLING THERE FACES OFF. Ms. Jessica wouldn't let us go in there and shut them up. I decided to read I got out a mini flashlight. After an hour I fell asleep with the flashlight on.
Day two
I wake up to be hearing all the 6th grade girls in our bathroom putting makeup on and screaming. I got up and started to get ready with Molly and Stephanie. We finished and went to our next class. It was about rocks, minerals, tectonic plates, and erosion. it was a little bit boring but it fought through it. Our next class was aquatics. We went to the river to find bugs and get wet. It was a blast. We had our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The 6th graders were quieter this night then last night.
"Sergie can u open this apple without a knife." Stephanie said.
"Oh yeah." Sergie said.
(Imagine Sergie making a trying to poop face)
He finally opened it but it looked so demented.
"It looked like u we're trying to poop." Molly said.
"Hahah." Sergie said laughing."
Last day
We woke up better this night then last night. We all got ready to go. We had to pack up everything and but it on the bus. We saw Sergie and other boys come up our hill.
"Hey ladies we are here to take your luggage Down the hill for you." Sergie said.
"I'm good." I said going Down the hill.
I turn around and saw Sergie put his hand out to take Molly's bag and she completely ignored him. I think she wasn't paying attention.
"You know Sergie was trying to take your bags." I said.
"WHAT really I didn't even see him." Molly said.
"U just waisted an opportunity." I said.
"Ik" Molly said.
"Why would the boys ask us if we need help we are already half way down the hill." Maret said.
"Exactly we can take care of our selves." Molly said.
"Hey guys I made a new song about Mr. T and Ms. Jessy." Stephanie said.
"Ok show us." I said.
Mr. T shirt
He wore a T shirt
It was a mean shirt
(Stephanie's impression of Mr. T) hey buddy sit over there
Me and Molly laughed so hard we couldn't even breathe.
"Ok ok what's the next song" Molly said.
Is it Jesse or a jelly
Or a candy or chocolate
What is your name
Is Jesse or a jelly
Or a candy or a chocolate
What is your name
Bom Bomb bom bom
"I love it." I said.
We had our last class and had lunch and went straight back to school with no hesitation. It wasn't the best overnight ever but I was going to miss it a little.


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