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It was the weekend, you were hoping to spend it hanging out with friends or relaxing, but instead you were stuck taking your little brother to some kiddie pizza place. Your mom barely ever reached out to you except for when they needed you to babysit him.

'Are we there yet?'
You shifted your focus back to him.
'Not yet I told you we'll be there in five minutes, ok?' you replied.
He began drumming his fingers against the car window in a very annoying fashion. You weren't going to tell him off, because then he might leave a bad report for your mom and dad.


'Alright, we're here.'
'Yay! Thank you so much Y/n! Can we go see Foxy?' he asked. He was very excited he actually looked kind of cute, maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.
'Sure we can, I remember my favorite was the yellow bunny,' you smiled.
'The old one? I thought it was kind of gross,' he replied,he always had to disagree with you. You knew he secretly loved all the characters.

You both entered the building, it was different then the diner you remembered for sure, of course this was the newer location, but it was very big compared to Fredbear's Family Diner, and it had a large stage with three animatronics on it, a Bear, a Bunny, and a Chicken. Off to the left you could see a sign that read 'Pirate's Cove' that must be where Foxy was. You hadn't noticed this before, but the place kind of stunk like vomit and greasy pizza.

Your brother, Felix, on the other hand looked like he had just entered wonderland, he was excitedly running around and went off to play around you decided it would be a good time to take a break and relax you sat down on one of the tables, and listened to your f/s (favorite song) on your phone.

A little bit later Felix ran up to where you were sitting, he simply said,
'Buy me tokens!'
'Ask nicely,' you said it would hurt to teach him some manners.
'Pleaseeeee, Y/n.'
You walked up to the token machine, you were lucky that your mom had given you ten dollars so you didn't have to waste your own money buying this brat tokens. The tokens fell from the machine with a satisfying 'clink'. Your brother scooped them up, and ran off giving you more time to yourself.
Although sitting down you noticed something a about one of the employees, he was very tall and wearing a purple suit, the way he was staring at the children playing, it was concerning; his expression was almost didn't want to be caught staring at him too long it would be an awkward situation, plus the show was about to start it had been a while since you'd seen one so it would be cool, you guess, to see what's new.

The show was pretty clearly made for young kids, but you weren't wrong it was very new. After the show things calmed down and went back to normal Felix was playing some more games, it was almost time to go home, finally. The yellow bunny, you remember who was your favorite began to walk around the area meeting with little kids and having small talk, you still remember you used to talk to the bunny when all the other kid were gone you knew he wasn't real and he didn't say anything back, but he helped you deal with your parent's divorce when you were younger.
Eventually he greeted Felix, and of course Felix was thrilled to see the bunny he had called 'gross', which made you chuckle to yourself. The way the bunny talked didn't sound the same it still had a sweet voice, but it was much less robotic and more chipper, it was almost off-putting. You were getting pretty thirsty, so you decided to grab a soda while Felix finished 'chatting'.
To your surprise when you came back he wasn't there neither was the yellow bunny.
'Felix?' ... "Felix?' ... "Felix,where are you bud?" You began to look around for Felix, but you couldn't find him anywhere.
This was like a living nightmare.
I see the yellow bunny walking down the hall, he was just with Felix he must know where he is.
'Hey, you! You were just with my brother Felix. Did you happen to see where he is?'
You got no response, the stress was getting to you. You were about to humiliate yourself horribly in front of a random stranger.
'Please,' you cried, 'You must've seen where he went.'
The bunny was now facing you, you could see whoever was wearing the suit was also wearing a large grin behind the bunny mask, it was scary, horrifying; but when you looked in to eyes of the wearer you could see..evil, the eyes of a psychopath.
'I-it was you, wasn't it?' You were now trembling. 'You hurt my brother!'
The bunny grabbed your arm and twisted it, hard. You tried to hold back a shriek of pain.
'You can't prove anything,' the bunny said in a very creepy voice, nothing like the chipper one from earlier. Had he broken your arm, you didn't know all you knew was that it hurt like hell. Your body felt like it was shutting down. You went unconscious.


Alright! Well that was chapter one! Just so you know I'm kind of new to writing so sorry if that was trash, but I think I'm going to keep writing this 'cause it was kind of fun to write even if no one reads this :)
Total word count: 933

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