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TW: Violence (verbal and psychical)! Mention of murder, implied murder! Also William being toxic! A very little bit of fluff in this chapter at the beginning! Also this may seem like a little bit of ridiculous to warn for to some of you but there is "the b word 😱" (censored) in this chapter, just want you guys to feel safe. Be warned! :)

Also I know how the chapter title sounds, but don't worry. Thing aren't moving that fast!? XD

You hadn't seen him so happy in a long time. This "surprise" must be important. "You're going to love this," he says practically squealing in delight. You're a little concerned, why was he acting so strangely? "Are you ok, William?" You ask him slowly. "I couldn't be better," he nuzzles your cheek. You blush feeling yourself flattered by his affection. Little did you know what he had in store for you..

He brings you to the corner of the living room covering your eyes so you couldn't see his "surprise". As he removed them from your eyes a jolt of panic spiked up your spine. "William, what the hell did you do to her!" You exclaim an ill feeling settled inside you. He grins hovering over Mrs. Grover, who lays unconscious, possibly dead in front of you. "You seem perturbed love, why are you concerned with this? All she's done since she's come here is hurt you."
"And like you haven't," you say surprisingly maintaining a calm demeanor and pull up your sleeve to reveal your wrist where his initials are still engraved. He falls silent, did you hurt his feelings? Truth hurts, you'd like to think. But being overly apologetic there's an urge to say your 'I'm sorry'.

But then something odd happens, he laughs. He laughs and laughs and keeps on laughing until he finally says, "Haven't you learned, I don't like to share. That little scar is like me confirming my ownership." Oh goodness. He lifts up your wrist and kisses it softly. "I don't belong to anybody," you mumble. "Hmm? Say that again," he says. You know he's just playing with you. Mrs. Grover has begun moving a little, she's alive and becoming conscious. "William please don't hurt her," you beg hoping he will have some sort of mercy.

Before any response is made Mrs. Grover is awake. When she looks at you there is an appalling look in her eyes, you'd never seen so much hatred in a look before. "You little b*tch," she spits towards you. "Looks like the old hag's got a mouth, I think.. we can fix that." William draws a knife out of his pocket which makes you realize, he's prepared to kill her. "Y/n can't fight their own battles so they have to hide behind you, I'm not surprise Y/n's always seemed like the weak type to me. Lia must've secretly known all along. Probably pitied you Y/n, after all she was a sweet girl," she muses. "Oh and Lia and you would be the type to know about strength. Your daughter couldn't even put up a fight against me. Let's see how you'll fair," he laughs, knowing exactly how vile what he just said was.

Of course after this conversation it's obvious she knows the fact that William murdered Lia. His lips quirked into a smile. The nausea from earlier crept back into your stomach. You looked over at William trying to express your concern. How badly her words had hurt you, but not enough to earn her death.

Looking over at Mrs. Grover who'd been so sensitive about Lia this whole seemed... surprisingly devoid of emotion. You weren't the only one who noticed it though, William who usually kept a stern unyielding face also seemed puzzled. Then Mrs. Grover laughed. She had gone hysterical.

Now William was definitely intrigued. He waited for her to calm her hysteria. "Mr. Afton, was Lia...wearing a ring when you had...disposed of her?" She asked. Now William was grinning, you felt confused as though you were missing out on some sort of inside joke. "Why yes she was, a rather valuable one I might add. Since we're both questioning each other, might I ask: Were you looking for your missing child or your missing valuable?" 

Now Mrs. Grover didn't look like a sweet scarred old lady, she looked absolutely terrifying. "Money is the root of all evil, you should know that being a successful business owner, Mr. Afton," she spat. Her words fueled with hatred. "I don't care if I find Lia dead or alive. I'm getting that ring back. Or I suppose, I've failed," she laughed. "So I either get the ring or die trying!"

Hearing parts of the conversation you were able to piece together certain things. Lia had worn a ring in your memories of her, that must be the one they're talking about. And you can remember it looking pretty expensive even though you were no expert in diamonds. 

Lia's family had never been rich. After Mrs. Grover had to retire, it only went downhill. But on Lia's sixteenth birthday she had gotten a very very expensive gift, considering her family's financial state, the ring. It still had value when she died, of course. Great value. Was in still on her finger, what'd happened to the corpse-

"You know I actually have the very ring you're looking for. I stole it. I know something valuable when I see it. I actually had this fantasy of proposing to Y/n with it someday. I've always had in interest in ironic cruelty, where the victim is...completely unaware,'' he simpered.

You shivered, both were horrible people no denying, but you felt attachment to one of them. William had been anything but always kind to you. It sickened you to think sometimes you enjoyed it, just a little. Gosh, everyone here was a bit messed up.

William looked over at you. He had a rare look of pity on his face as he looked at you. "I'm sorry to do this to you right now Y/n, we've gotten so close. And I hate to ruin it, but I'm going to fix things," he held a cloth against your nose and moth before you could react. "Don't fight it. It'll be like taking a nap when you're sick and when you wake up you're all better."

You better than to thrash and kick because you'd lose more energy quicker, but how did you fight him off. What was his idea of fixing things...?


How unfortunate, William thought. Y/n wouldn't be able to say their goodbyes. He watched as they went unconscious. Those chemicals never failed. Satisfied with his work he picked them up and laid them down in the cozy guest bedroom upstairs. He'd return to Mrs. Grover soon, he'd do it quickly. She didn't seem to be a woman with much to live for...what a shame. That always made it less fun.

YAYY! AN update! Sorry if this is too dark..I did make William very toxic in this chapter :P. Anyways thanks so much for 32k READS. WHAT! Thank you guys so much! :D I might go over this and fix some spelling mistakes/things I don't like tomorrow, but in the mean time I hope you guys like it :) Well please have a good weekend and stay safe! Also new book coming after this story is over :L

Word Count: 1199

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