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      You were starting  work at Freddy's today, but you weren't at all excited at least you'd get paid, but no payment was worth having to spend time with that horrible man. You were going to get him in jail, eventually.
You knew you were going to get a uniform later, so you wore a pretty simple outfit, just a T-shirt and sweatpants. Your best friend, Lia, and neighbor, you lived in the same apartment complex, drove you to Freddy's today, since it was on her way. 
'Thanks Lia!' you said, as you exited her car.
'No problem Y/n, can I pick you up when you're done?'
 'That would be awesome, thank you so much!' you hugged her a walked towards Freddy's, opening the door you walked in the building straight down the hall to Henry's office as he had instructed you to do yesterday.
When you walked in though Henry seemed very busy filling out paper work and review blueprints.
'Oh uh..Y/n great you're here! Look uh, I'm a little busy right now-' he handed you a badge with your name on it, 'so Will will be helping you out today, he should also have your uniform, he'll just teach you the basics, like how to fix damaged animatronics and how to work the show stage today.'
A day with him? Just great. You hadn't really lost all your fear of him. You walked down the hall shaking a little bit. You walked towards his office, and knocked on the door, thinking that this was the first time your ever started a conversation with him.
'Come in,' he said.
 You opened the door, and walked in to his office.
 'Y/n.' he smirked, 'came to see me?'
 'You wish. I'm here to start my shift and I need my uniform,' you said dully.
  'Y/n dear if you're going to be so rude I might as well just not help you at all.'
   This bastard wanted you to be kind to him, after all he'd done to you!? You were going to have to suck it up, this was for Henry, who you assumed had a wife and children due to all the family pictures in his office.
   'Sorry,' you mumbled.
  'Alright let me get you your uniform.' 
 He handed you a uniform, the same ugly shade of purple as his was.
 'I'll go change in the bathroom,' you awkwardly left his office and went down the hall to the left to the girls bathroom where you changed into the uniform, it wasn't that bad. It reminded you of Afton though you hated to think about him or Felix now.
You walked back to his office,
'Y/n you look lovely.' he said
That was the first real complement he had ever given you. He led you back stage to a control room where he showed you the different switches and buttons that made the animatronics move, you learned how to control them pretty quickly and could even make them dance.
'You learn quickly love.' William said he was smirking as usual.
 He led you to another room where he taught you how to fix the Foxy animatronic, Felix's favorite, and once you got a pretty basic understanding of it, he went off to do some other work. You were actually pretty absorbed in fixing Foxy. He was Felix's favorite after all you knew if Felix came to Freddy's and Foxy was broken how disappointed he'd be. 
Time went by fast though and after a while your shift was over, Henry came over to congratulate you,
'Wow Y/n great job on Foxy! We can put him back in pirate's cove now, you'll get your first payment in a week!'
'Oh thank you Mr. Emily!'
 You left Freddy's without saying goodbye to Henry or William, Lia picked you up she didn't pull out of the parking lot, but instead stayed to talk to you,
'Hey Y/n, how was it?'
You thought about your answer for a while, it was ok you still didn't  feel completely safe around Afton,but otherwise..
'It was fine.'
'Eugh what are you wearing?'
'Oh that's my uniform.'
'The make you wear that? No way?'
'Yeah..I fixed the Foxy animatronic that was cool I guess..'
Thinking about Foxy made you think of Felix, it hurt thinking about him. The car ride to your apartment was pretty short and silent, once you guys got home you silently walked into the apartment.
'Y/n is there something you want to talk about?' she said sympathetically.
 'Why?' you asked.
  'Well, you haven't really been talking to me for the last two days, and we had planned to hang out Yesterday, but you never got back to me, I found out about your brother later..Y/n I'm so sorry.'
You didn't know how to respond.
'Is there anything you want to talk about, you know it's chill if..' 
 Lia, you could trust Lia she had been your friend for a while, she was smart too. Should you tell her? The full truth? You decided for it.
Her reaction was not what you expected she was calm, but shocked at the same time.
'They are making you work with this monster?' she said after about thirty seconds.
'Well actually I chose to work there, for Mr. Emily.'
 'We have to tell the police. Y/n you're such an idiot, god, this is a mess.'
  Having her call you an idiot hurt she didn't understand what is was like losing Felix.
  'You know what, I'm going straight to the police Y/n'
   'Lia it's 10pm, I wouldn't do that we have to hold out.'
   'Hold out!? Y/n I have known you since high school, you've always been a- well a little bit emotional.'
  Emotional!? It's like she didn't understand, she didn't understand. It was way too dangerous would the police be able to arrest Afton on time, if they didn't then that means you and possibly Lia could be in big trouble.
 'Lia, do you even care? You don't know what he's like ok.
Lia stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door loudly. If she actually got Afton in jail...you would be so grateful, and obviously apologise, but you felt like you should stop her. If Afton found out not only would it put you and your family in danger, but also her. 
A lot of time pasted you were beginning to get concerned. You were laying in bed, but you were unable to sleep, worrying about Lia. Until you heard the main door to the apartment complex open, it had to be Lia everyone else was home already sleeping, you had kept track. You finally went to bed, and actually slept pretty well.
You woke up the next day, but after the night of good sleep, you began to feel dread. Lia told the police right? If you went to Freddy's today would Afton just be gone, in jail? Wouldn't you have gotten notification of something? You felt very concerned as you got ready for work, putting on that hideous purple uniform. That's when you realized something Lia wasn't home? Weird. Maybe she left early. Thing weren't making sense though. Why would Lia come home after reporting Afton then just leave early in the morning?
You would see what happened to Afton later when you got to work. You boarded the bus today and from the bus stop walked to Freddy's.
As you walked up to the building everything seemed normal outside, and inside. Although you hadn't seen Afton yet you checked in with one of the employees who told you that Henry off for the day, and that he left a not for you telling you your schedule for the day. 
You started by setting up the stage, then went back to Parts and Services to do some maintenance on the Golden Freddy animatronic. 
Something grabbed you from behind, it gripped your shoulders, tightly, it hurt a lot. 
'What a shame Y/n...I thought I could trust you...' the voice had a fraudulent pitiful tone.

Afton!? W-what?

Hoped you enjoyed! I might add specific trigger warnings to the next chapter, so if I don't end up adding them this is your advance warning:

Also thank you guys for 55 reads, I know it might not seem like a lot, but I'm really happy about it :>

Total word count: 1357

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