Meet the family

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         Today was the day you were going to meet William's children, hopefully they weren't as corrupt as him. You were most concerned about his oldest, Micheal was it?
You wore your uniform since you would still be working today. You got on the bus as usual, thinking, it was crazy, how he of all people had children.
The bus came to a stop, you exited slowly, there was Freddy's, and it seemed William's, and Henry's children were already inside. 
Freddy's was pretty much the same as it always was, the pizza, the running children, the smell...that was besides the point, you were almost curious about William's kids, but you had a feeling would meet them soon enough. Today you had to clean the tables, basically acting as waitress, cleaning greasy pizza stains off the table. Darn it why couldn't these kids use a napkin or at least a plate, when you heard a light sobbing from under one of the cheap plastic party tables. You bent down and lifted up the table cloth to see a little boy, a toddler, sobbing under the table. He had dark brown hair, and eyes. 
'Hey what's wrong..bud?' you said trying to sound friendly, but you weren't very good with young kids.
'I-it's scary here I-i don't like it here..' he said all while still sobbing.
'Oh uh...what's your name? Where are your mom and dad?'
'I-I'm E-evan, I can't find my dad, and my mommy's-' he sniffed loudly, 'my mommy's gone.'
 This must be Evan Afton the youngest, and supposedly very sensitive.
'Well, let's find your daddy.' you said.
 You picked him up, he wasn't very heavy, actually he was very light. You walked up to William's office and knocked on the door.
A little girl with ginger hair and freckled green eyes opened the door,
'HI!' she screamed loudly, but she had a very innocent and cute voice, then she walked up and gave you a very tight hug around your legs, she was surprisingly strong.
'Oh....hello, you must be Elizabeth!'
'Yeah, my daddy works with you!'
William was leaning against his desk with a smug grin.
'Good morning darling,' he said looking you in the eyes, you kind of hated it when he did,his eyes were a very piercing silver.
'Oh uh-Good Morning,I found Evan crying under the table-I don't know if he likes it here very much,' you said, Evan still clinging to your shoulder, you let him off slowly, he still had a few pearly tears dripping down his cheeks.
'Dad! Michael was scaring me again,' he said he sounded very shy,Michael was William's oldest and was also right next to the office,
'I did not, you're just such a wuss Eva-' he stopped and stared at you puzzled, 'Father who's..that?' 
Michael looked around thirteen he resembled his father quite a bit, except his hair was a light brown and much more long and messy, his eyes were also brown. He was wearing a grey tank top and blue jeans, he also had a Foxy mask on, it was tilted to the side though, so you could see his face.
'This is my assistant Y/n,' he said still looking smug. For some reason it annoyed you to be called his assistant, and he could tell.
'So Michael it's great to meet you, do you want me to get you and your siblings some ice cream or anything like that?' You had a feeling this would annoy William, and you were right,
'I don't-' he was starting then Elizabeth interrupted him, 'ICE CREAM!!!!' she screamed, she was very very loud.
'Alright come on Evan you can come too! Let's go! Bye William,' you couldn't help but smirk leaving him behind all sour, you didn't want to make him to angry though.
You decided to take them across the street to the ice cream shop you went to when you were a little younger than Michael.
Most of your memories there were happy, except the one when your mom and dad were in a fight again, your dad got so mad he took your ice cream and dunked it on to your head, you remembered coming home and crying about the fight.
You snapped back into the present,you were now in the shop, you asked all the Afton kids what flavor they wanted: Evan wanted Butter Pecan, which you found very strange. Michael wanted chocolate, Felix's favorite as well. Elizabeth looked order looked like it was going to be pretty simple, but she ended up wanting toppings not just one topping, but multiple. You knew at this shop toppings weren't cheap.
'Lizzy sorry maybe next time we can get them but-'
'I WANT SPRINKLES!' for someone so little she could sure make a lot of noise.
'Liz calm down,' her face had gone red. She looked like she was about to explode, or something along the lines of it,
'Y/N!!!' she screamed so that everyone in the shop could hear her. You sighed, things were actually going well until,well this. She was on the verge of a tantrum, you had to do something, you turned to the cashier,
'How much would the toppings cost?' you asked her.
'Well for everything she wanted it would be,'she checked a list,' five dollars and fifty cents.'
That was more than you payed for everything combined!
After paying you went back to Freddy's, Elizabeth's had cooled down and was now back to her innocent self,
'Thank you Y/n, you're my favorite!' she said.
'Don't mention it,' you replied.
When you guys got back Charlie and Sammy were playing together. You let the Afton kids do their own thing, Michael went to Pirate's Cove, Elizabeth began playing with Sammy, and Evan sat by the door still eating his ice cream. You decided to get back to work, since you could keep working and keep an eye on them. Everything was going well until something happened with Elizabeth and Sammy,
'OWWWW-LET GO OF ME MEANIE!!!' Sammy was yelling, Elizabeth, fro reasons unknown was tugging his hair.
'No! I'm not a meanie, take back what you said! NOW!' 
'Hey! Hey! Guys what's going on here? Elizabeth why are you pulling Sammy's hair?'
'HE CALLED MY DADDY A CREEP AND HE MADE FUN OF MY MOMMY!' she was clearly angry, but this time seemed very sad too. You couldn't blame Sammy for the comment about William he was definitely a creep, to say the least, but making fun of Elizabeth's dead mom was too far.
'Sammy, take that back,' you said firmly.
'N-no,' he was clearly a little shaken.
'Sammy,' you said again.
'Fine,I'm sorry Elizabeth, for calling your dada a creep,and the thingy with your mama,'he sounded sorry so you decided to let it go,
'Elizabeth say sorry for pulling Sammy's hair,' you sighed.
'Sorry Sammy,'Elizabeth said, you were surprised you weren't expecting that to work.
'Good, alright you two have fun,'you walked away, and bumped into-
'Oh hey Y/n-'he seemed very stressed sweat was dripping down his forehead, 'sorry I'm a in a bit of a time crunch right now, but uh-' he handed you a large stack of papers, 'could you please bring these papers to Will?'
'Oh uh-sure..'
'Thanks you're the best, see ya,' he rushed backstage.
Just great second time you had to go into William's office today, you neared the front door, and knocked on it twice.
'Come in,' he said, you opened the door, his creepy grin widened,
'Ah, Y/n darling, what brings you here,' he was in a good mood, or something.
'Oh, Henry just told me to bring these papers to you,' you placed them on his desk. His eyes scanned the first page quickly,then he sighed,
'Love, you can't keep getting your uniform dirty, are you really that careless?' 
 What was he talking about you washed your uniform this morning, you looked down at your uniform shocked to see a greasy hand print, Sammy's hand print. God, hopefully he wasn't actually annoyed.
'Oh s-sorry there was a conflict with Sammy and Elizabeth earlier, and I guess-' you stopped his smile faded,
'Well Sammy was-' you stopped talking, you had to be careful what you said next, 'making fun of of Evan-'
He grabbed you by the shirt.
'Y/n.Don't. Lie. To. Me.' he let go of your shirt leaving you dazed, 'now what did Sammy say?'
'He...he was making fun of you and-y-your wife, I don't know what he said about her though.'
He sighed, then smiled.
'Clara, that was her name she died in a car accident, she wasn't very loyal,' he said.
 What did he mean? She wasn't very loyal? Should you ask or would it be too risky?
'What do you mean?'
'She lied to me, she saw other men, she left me,and didn't even take the children.'
You didn't know how to respond. He obviously could sort out a liar,even though you were betting he had the experience being one himself,but you had to sort of feel sorry for him.
'I'm sorry.'
'Clean off your uniform,' he said.

He was definitely not in a good mood it wouldn't be wise to cross him when he was angry. You were going to go home when you were done with your shift and clean your uniform.

This was a longer chapter! Updates will be more frequent now,I've just been having a lot more to do recently(speaking of I have to finish an assignment once I publish this chapter). I wanted to do a bit of a lighter chapter for this, I will be using the Clara for Mrs. Afton, if you don't like that name you can just insert what you call her in the story! Thank you again for 100 reads :O
Word count: 1565

𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 (𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖  𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now