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 Author here, there is a little bit of fluff in this chapter, like some cuddling. But no smut or lemon or anything. So just heads up! Also I formatted this chapter a little different so that it's easier to read.

'I love you, do you know that Y/n?'


You couldn't help but show visible confusion in your facial expression. You weren't disgusted or anything, however, you still felt a little light headed from earlier, you supposed. In all honesty you liked him, a lot. You didn't understand why though. You didn't want to say this to him, you didn't think you even could.

For all you knew he could just be lying about all of this, just as some sick way of torturing you. Sounded like something he would do after all. The thought that you could love somebody like that made you mad. Mad at him, but mostly mad at yourself.
You looked at him. 'How do I know you're telling the truth. What if, I don't know you're just trying to make me miserable. Like you have many times before,' you said with tears streaking down your face. You hated crying in front of him, you thought it made you look weak and most of all it gave him the reaction he wanted.

Looking back at you he said, 'Hadn't we established the fact that we can trust each other Y/n. I don't want to hurt you anymore, I promise.'

The statement itself calmed you a little bit, but you weren't quite satisfied with his explination. 'Then why? Why did you do all this? You killed my brother, you killed my best friend, and now you want to kill Mrs.Grover. You can't seriously sit there and tell me you don't want to hurt me.'

He smiled, this time though it seemed like more of a sad smile though. Not the menacing grin you were used to.
'Well,' he laughed. 'Since we can be completely honest now. It's hard to explain. But every time I kill someone it makes me feel something. I began killing to feel something, I expected to feel regret or guilt. But I didn't. It was a joyful feeling.'
You shuddered at the things he was saying and how he said it so calmly.
'I got addicted to that feeling. I killed your brother for that reason. I met you shortly after. You made me feel similar emotions, so I had the same fate planned out for you. I thought it would be fun.'

You sniffled and listened to him continue talking, he was slowly regaining he usual chill with each word he said.

'And then I got know you and I got to know a little about your brat friend,' he said those words with such distaste. 'She was brave too brave, I killed her shortly after. She would tell the cops I didn't want to go to jail darling.'

You felt angry again. You wanted to punch him so badly.

'Now I get to the tricky part,' he chuckled. Just like he always did. 'Jealousy. I was jealous of your best friend and I was jealous of Mrs. Grover. Whom you cared for so much or at least that's how I saw it at the time I killed her. I wanted to have you all to myself.'

You froze. You loved him and embarrassingly enough still did, but could this have all been prevented if you spent more time with him or something?

'Lia and Mrs.Grover, well they made it hard on themselves one could say. Lia had threatened to get me in jail, Mrs. Grover was smart making connections of her daughters death to Freddy Fazbear's. It gave me, in my logical thinking process a valid excuse to kill, or in Mrs. Grover case try to, instead of killing simply out of pure jealousy.'

You had been sitting there the whole time listening to every word he said, just trying to process it all. It took you a while to notice you were shaking. William cupped your cheek, 'Does it make sense now darling?'

It took you twenty or so seconds until you, reluctantly, nodded. 'Good,' he said.

'I love you too,' you sighed nervous, not knowing how he'd react.

He got a stupid cocky grin on his face. 'Come here,' he gestured he hand towards you. When you didn't respond he chucked and said, 'you know I don't bite.'

"You kill," you thought sarcastically as you moved a little bit closer towards him.

Once you were in arms reach of him he grabbed you around your waist and pulled in tightly, you sat on his lap with your head against his chest. As he ran his fingers through yours hair you blushed a little, and hoped he didn't notice. After a few minutes of sitting like this you were so comfortable you felt like you could fall asleep, you were quite tired after all.

However William spoke, 'Are you ready to see the project I've been working on? I believe that this could be a real scientific discovery. It could change the way we look at the world forever.'

'Alright, I'm ready,' you said quietly. Before you answered he was already leading you to his study.

The room was the same as you remembered it from before. Except the desk was more cluttered than before. You walked over to the desk were there was a small tray containing one of the tiniest animatronics you had ever seen. You remembered him showing you the blueprints for this one before. It was a small ballerina with a face with black painted on eyes and a creepy smile. It had painted on ballet shoes and a small tutu.

Without permission you picked up the small doll and tilted it a little to the side. To your surprise it spoke.

'I like you,' the small doll said.

William noticed your shock and responded to it, 'That is a minireena. I intend to make many of them, but I'd like to show you something else,' he said crouching down to look for a certain file in his desk drawer.

You nodded and tilted the doll one last time, 'Take me home with you,' it said this time.

William looked up, 'That's...fascinating. I never programmed it to say that.'
He picked up the doll and tilted it again. This time it said the same thing it had said the first time around, 'I like you.'

He looked at you in confusion, 'We'll experiment with this later. If that's ok with you darling? This could be important.'

'Uh-ok. Sure,' you said. Although the though of experimenting with that..thing scared you.

'Perfect. Here's what I want to show you,' he said, pulling out a small glass vile.

Hey, sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I've been really busy. So as I said in the beginning I formatted this chapter so that it's easier to read :) I think it makes more sense and is better grammar. Second of all, I did reference a story from a Fazbear Frights book it's called 'Room for one more' and it's from the 1:35am book. I don't want to spoil it, but it just was at the end with the Minireenas. I might write more about it but yeah :)
Hopefully this chapter wasn't too cringe. I know I'm not a really good writer xD
Word Count: 1210

𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 (𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖  𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now