
2.5K 75 102

TW: Mention of murder and corpses

You couldn't do your job the same as usual, everywhere you looked you got an ill feeling. The kids just young children all excited to get their turn to see Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica dance and sing. While others were watching Foxy usually alone in Pirate's Cove. You couldn't even look at the animatronics without getting uneasy. 
Even you were beginning to question your own sanity, you swore you saw Chica's eyes follow you wherever you went, but then again it could be one of those optical illusions.
You just wanted your shift to end. Even though the thought of corpses being in the animatronics was absolutely terrifying, you, for some strange reason found yourself spending more time around the animatronics than usual. Every time you took a plate from a table back to the kitchen you would hover around Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica for a few seconds. Were you being stupid? Or was is fully reasonable to be afraid of them jumping at you or attacking you? You reminded yourself that even when you started working the animatronics had corpses in them and they hadn't done any of that before.
It was then, however, when you heard something in a little kid's voice. It sounded like it had said something or perhaps just giggled, but you heard something. Could it have just been the little kids at the pizzeria messing around. You checked. Nobody was really anywhere near you, so what or who did you hear?
You tried to stop thinking about it but it got worse. The voice got clearer and clearer soon it started to sound like multiple children were speaking to you. Still you couldn't make out all of their words. You heard words like "bad" and "stop" or so you thought, but then it was impossible to understand. That did not mean it wasn't incredibly horrifying, hearing them. You weren't actually going to cry were you? It felt like you would either cry or scream in frustration.
By some wonder you made it through your shift, it didn't mean you were "doing fine" at all. You hadn't had anytime to think for yourself today, you had forgotten all about staying at William's house. Being honest you didn't really mind his company anymore, well that much. But that wasn't the problem, he would probably be able to tell something's off with you. That was one of his many qualities that freaked you out a little.
You met him in the parking lot, 'Are you uh-driving me back to your house,' you asked. You realized that could've sounded a little rude the way you asked in such a hostile tone. You didn't feel like it mattered though. It wasn't like you cared that much right now, actually you just wanted to get out of here.
'Of course I'm driving you home,' William said, 'what else did you expect.' You calmed yourself a little. That was until you head it again this time it was clearer than ever, "You're a horrible person," it said loud and clear this time. Horrible.
'Stop just stop, please!' you screamed, holding your hand against your temple, it hurt. You didn't even care that you were crying, but you still didn't know if it was because of the pain in your head or the fear you felt.
William looked at you for a few seconds with a confused look on his face, which wasn't normal for him. Then he grinned, which was pretty normal for him.
"Come here Y/n,' he said holding out a hand towards you. You didn't want to, not right now. .Hesitantly you took his hand, he pulled into a hug. Weird.
'You can hear them, can't you?'
'What?,' you asked very confused by what he meant, he was talking about the voices wasn't he?
'The voices of the children, they talk to me too. They'll always try to make me feel guilty for what I've done to them,' he said softly. Then he laughed, 'I never do though, not even a twinge of guilt.'
'That's...horrible,' you whispered your thoughts out loud. He let go of you, it was you realized how tightly he was hugging you. He tucked his hand behind your ear. 'That's exactly what they tell me,' he chuckled, "I know how to get rid of them, scare them away. They aren't afraid of me anymore, they fear Spring Bonnie.'
It didn't take you very long to figure out why, it was probably what he was wearing when he killed them.
'In fact there's been a little project I've been working on. I want you to see it.'
He took your hand and you walked over to the car. You sat in the back us usual, the whole time he looked kind of thrilled to show you. The drive was short and uneventful. When you got there he helped you out of his car and led you to his study. The restricted study. You weren't even sure if you were ready to go back in there after what happened last time. You were convinced you were dead that time around. Your stomach even felt a little sick, which did not go together well with a headache and cold sweats. Awkwardly you sat down on the step right in front of the door to the study. Why were you so nervous? That was it, you felt like whatever 'project' William had in store for you wasn't a good one.
William crouched down beside you, 'I won't hurt you darling, I promise,' he said. You would've rolled your eyes if you weren't feeling so under the weather right now, due to the fact that statement contradicted much of what he had said before.
He leaned over towards you and then whispered something in your ear,

'I love you, do you know that Y/n?'


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in forever, but I'd just like to say thank you so much for 5.4k reads! I still can't believe it :) I hope you liked this chapter sorry if it wasn't that good, but I hope all of you are doing well, and I hope that I have the ability to update more in the future! Happy Summer everybody! Also just noticed I've written 20 chapters so yay :D
Word Count: 1021

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