Voice Box

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TW: Blood, Cut
You walked to the Parts and Services room where you knew Foxy was, William followed you there you didn't question him, both the Chica and Foxy animatronics were there. Your job was to fix Foxy, but it didn't look like it was going to be that easy.
You looked over at William who had already started by taking Chica's eyes out of their sockets causing the animatronic to look extremely creepy and ghostly. He placed both eyes in some sort of bucket to clean them. You decided weird to watch him for too long, so you tried to get started with Foxy.
Everything seemed to be fine except his voice box, you hadn't really worked with those before. You began to you a screwdriver to poke around the screws a little try to access the inside of the voice box.
'What are you doing? You're a mess' You looked over to see William looking at you with some form of disgust etched across his face. He tore the screwdriver out of your hands and began hastily working around the voice box, it was obvious he had done it multiple times. Since he was doing it so quickly you weren't able to note what exactly he was doing, meaning you wouldn't be able to fix a voice box properly in the future. 
'Hand me the small wrench,' he said to you in a very commanding tone. You bent down to hand him the wrench resisting the urge to say anything, because you really wanted to. He grabbed it from your hand and began messing around with the bolts surrounding the voice box. He worked in complete silence for about four more minutes, until he finished what was in his opinion a satisfactory job. 
'Now what do you say Y/n?' He asked, he was now talking to you like you were a young child. You were confused for a second, and then you knew what he meant, of course.
'Thank you,' you mumbled.
'Good,' he handed you the screwdriver he borrowed, 'someone has to teach you some manners anyways.'
You just wanted him to shut up in that moment. You pretended you act like you didn't care, but did a poor job of it. What he said almost embarrassed you, you could feel your face getting a little warm. You wanted to get out of the room, you didn't know what led you to believe it was a good idea to be in a confined space with him anyways, though he had said you could trust each other, right? 
William interrupted your silence,
'This is my favorite place love, did you know that?'
'No..' you said confused why he was mentioning that.
He almost zoned out for a moment with a dreamy look in his eyes, like he was reliving some sort of fantasy, but only for a second. You knew deep down what he was probably thinking about, but you shuddered to actually think his mind was that dark. As for why the Parts and Service room was his favorite you didn't want to ask. 
'Pirate's Cove, is um..my favorite.'
The reason why was because it was Felix's favorite. William smirked at what you had said though, which wasn't normally a good sign.
'I bet it was Felix's favorite too,' he whispered in your ear, you shuddered. You had just been trying to forget about Felix, the honest truth was the thought of Felix now frightened you.
A sick feeling spread across your stomach, it was hard to breath, this was all so sudden and confusing. The room around you began to blur it was hard to see now, your eyes felt heavy. The last thing you saw before you blacked out was William, looking down on you.

You opened your eyes, they felt heavy. The room you were in was blurry, but you could tell it wasn't the room you were in before. It was still at Freddy's you could tell from the building structure. You lifted your head up, you noticed you were lying down on some sort of couch. Were you in Henry's Office, you looked around one more time, no this was William's Office. What were you doing here the last thing you remembered was seeing him. 
While standing up you felt something weird dribbling down your hand, when you touched your hand it came up red with blood. You were so shocked you couldn't even scream. To get it over with you had to see how bad the wound was. The wound was on your left hand, it hurt to even bend your hand. The cut was small, but very deep. You didn't know how long you'd been out for, but if it was over an hour that was a bad sign, it meant you had continued bleeding for possibly over an hour. You weren't able to see the actual wound it was covered by dry and fresh blood.
'Oh you're awake,' said the familiar voice of William.
'What did you do?' You said raising your voice, you were so mad or even more so scared.
'I didn't do anything, you just passed out, there's not much air circulation in the Parts and Services room.' 
'And?' You were assuming you didn't magically start bleeding out of your hand after that.
'I just gave you a little something to remember me by,' he said.
You felt sick again, you hated him so much at that moment, but he was the only person you could trust, so you thought. You weren't going to cry, that was what he wanted. You sat there in silence, you could feel tears welling up your eyes this time.
'Just be glad it wasn't your neck.'
'I..I..hate..you,' you said, it sounded like you were crying, but you weren't quite there yet.
'Don't lie to yourself love,' he said looking you in the eyes. That was the final straw, you could feel the tears streaking down your eyes, it almost felt like it was burning your skin. He placed his thumb and index finger on your chin, as he had done once before, this time he didn't say anything he just looked at you, grinning.

Finally! Updating has been taking me so long recently :( I have been really busy with work, I have Spring Break now, I might take this as a chance to relax allowing me to do more frequent updates in the future, or I might update during this time, I haven't decided yet. Thank you for 1.3k reads!
Word Count: 1071

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