Trust me...?

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   Today Mrs. Grover didn't go with you to work, luckily, but that didn't mean she wasn't hard at work. In the one and a half days she'd been here she had already tied Lia's  disappearance back to Freddy's, consulted the police, and opened a case for Lia. Which wasn't a good thing you technically didn't..well..kill Lia, but you did sort of 'help the culprit get away with murder' but did you really have a choice? At the same time all these thoughts were happening, something in the back of your head was wishing Mrs. Grover would disappear.
How could you think like that,she had done so much for you when you were younger? Was William manipulating you to think like that? You didn't like constantly questioning yourself, because right now it felt like you could only trust yourself. You were going to try to avoid him at work, that was going to hard because he was practically  your boss.        
Today your main task was to clean off the tables and bring out the pizza, basically acting as a waitress. You wished you could do more maintenance for the animatronics, since it was much more entertaining. Maybe later Henry would let you work with the stage, which you assumed William was doing right now, but it came as a surprise when a different employee, Ian,was controlling the stage.
Thinking of it you hadn't seen William all day, which was weird. Ian was walking by you so you asked,
'Hey Ian have you seen Mr. Afton at all today?' 
' not really, but I know Henry is here today if you need help or whatever,' Ian said, walking away. Weird. Your question was answered quickly though, when something grabbed you by the shoulder,
'Oh did you miss me Y/n?'It asked almost playfully, the subject in question was a yellow bunny, the animatronic, but somebody had to be wearing it as a suit,because of the fluid movement and the voice. You were pretty much certain it was William.
'Sure,' you said, it wasn't exactly saying 'yes' but it wasn't saying no either,which wouldn't be a good idea. Under the suit you could see him smiling, you were deeply unsettled because it reminded you of Felix. Why did he still wear that horrible suit, it looked like it had had better days. 
He looked left and right,then when he decided no one was watching he said, 'Y/n follow me.' 
What did he want? For some weird reason you followed him down the hall to his office. He locked the door behind him which concerned you. He took off part of the suit, he was wearing his normal uniform underneath.
'Darling we need to talk about your new friend,' he said, taking off the rest of the suit.
'New friend?' You were confused, until you realized who he was talking about, 'M-Mrs. Grover?'
'Correct,now I told you I wasn't going to hurt her yet, I can't risk it anyways,that's why I want you to.' 
If actually think you were going to-to, what was wrong with him? There was no way, Mrs.Grover had been apart of your life even before high school, but you didn't like to think about those times,back when your parents were still together. Thinking about it made you almost cry, you needed to keep your composure. 
'Huh..What's wrong Y/n?Don't you trust me?'
Of course you didn't, he was the one who killed your brother and your best friend and was now planning to kill your best friend's mother. 
'Come on Y/n I won't leave you behind,' he said.
What was he talking about? Could he somehow know about your parent? There was no way he could possibly know about them they divorced when you were only in middle school. 
'I don't know what you're talking about, no.'
He seemed almost amused by this, causing you to question whether he really did know about them. You felt extremely stressed right now, sweat was dripping down your forehead and you felt almost sick.
'Eventually you'll trust me Y/n I can wait.'
'Never,' you said firmly. 'Now let me out.'
 He unlocked the door it seemed like he was going to let you be, you had to go home, now. You checked the clock on the wall; only an thirty minutes left before you could go home. You could stand that. 
Ian asked you to work stage controls, because he had been doing it overtime which he didn't seem happy about. 
You weren't that good at stage controls, but got it done only focusing on the controls. You took the bus straight home to your apartment, where Mrs. Grover had started one of those fancy murder mystery walls with red string connecting bits and pieces of evidence. She also had some missing persons posters for Lia printed. You didn't even greet her you went straight to your apartment. Trying not to think,if that made sense.

'Please Dad don't leave,' you were screaming. At your old house your mom was furious at him,she had just broken one of  his things, you couldn't remember what it was though. She stormed back to their room, well now her room since shortly after this he would be moving away, forever.
'Please don't leave,' you kept screaming, but he didn't even talk to you he was grabbing the last of his things. At this point Felix wasn't alive, but you remember that wasn't the reason dad left. Dad wanted to take Felix with him even though he wasn't born yet he wanted to have custody over Felix, but not you.
'Mom do something, mom please,' you were still screaming ; your lungs were beginning to get sore. Tears were streaming down your face, you were just realizing that your dad would be leaving. Your parents had always fought, but had it all just led up to this? Dad grabbed you by the arm and practically threw you into your room, and locked it behind. Leaving you stuck as he drove away.
End of Flashback

You would never see him again, he did however invite Felix over a dozen times once he was born, you don't know if Felix remembers it though. From that day on Mrs. Grover would always pick you up from school and stuff like that, but she always favored Lia which would be obvious since Lia was her own daughter, but it always made you feel sad. Your dad didn't favor you, neither did your mom, and not even Mrs. Grover favored you. All of them ended up leaving, Mrs. Grover was just here for Lia. 
William seemed like a good option in comparison, but that was insane, you couldn't trust him, manipulator. 

Not yet at least....

Ok! So I changed up the story a little, I just wanted to have more of a backstory behind your character's reasoning in the past chapters and in the future ones,but sorry if the backstory was a little cringe though. Thank you guys so much for 400 reads! Updates have been taking while, but I have a long weekend now so it's possible updates will take 1-2 days from now on! This was a short chapter since I'm already working on the next one!
Word count: 1190

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