Fake truth

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'Y/n do you miss your brother?' Mrs. Grover asked, you were still sitting in the car together. 
'Yes,' you replied almost instantly. Recent happenings had been giving you mixed feelings though, your brother was innocent,he didn't deserve what happened to him, but when you heard him, you were almost certain the voice from earlier was him, he scared you. He didn't sound like your young innocent brother anymore, he sounded angry. 
Mrs. Grover interrupted your thoughts, 'I miss Lia I'm sure you do too,' she said. 
'Yeah..' you agreed. You shivered at the thought of hearing Lia's voice like that. 
'Yn?' Mrs. Grover asked, 'Would you like to help me? We can solve this case, for good. Look if you refuse to quit your job, we might as well worked together, you're most likely working with the culprit, which I'm certain must be horrifying for you. Can you get a list of the employees working at your establishment?' 
'Sure,' you lied, 'I think you'll have to ask Henry for a list of employees though.'
 'Thank you Y/n, your help is deeply appreciated.' 
 When you got to the apartment complex, you headed straight to your apartment, and locked yourself in your room, you were not going to sleep well tonight. You could tell that.
You hadn't gotten much sleep, but that didn't matter, you had work today. After getting dressed in your uniform you walked through the hall of the apartment complex, and then rode the bus like usual. When you arrived you noticed Henry was there.
'Hello Y/n!' He greeted you.
'Good morning Mr. Emily,' you smiled.
'Good morning to you too Y/n! I'm working on one of the stage lights here, seems to be broken.' he sighed fumbling with his tools, trying to fix the light.
'Oh is there anyway I can help?' you asked.
'No..it's fine..I think I got it, but could you maybe check with Will if he has anything for you to do.' 
Alright, going to see William had become less of a punishment now, but that didn't mean you enjoyed it.
'You know Y/n he was telling me you're doing a pretty good job,' Henry smiled.
What? Why would he tell Henry this?
'I was thinking of giving you a raise Y/n! We can afford it now, business had been great!' He was very excited. You didn't want to take any more money from him or his family though,
'Oh no you don't have t-'
'Nonsense,' he cut you off, 'If it weren't for your help things wouldn't be doing so well here.' 
 He wrote you a check and handed it to you. Henry was always such a generous man, you could see why you had started working here. 
'Thank you Mr. Emily,' this time you were really smiling.
'Of course Y/n, now go see's William,and maybe thank him.' He waved 'goodbye' as you walked down the hall. Strangely enough William opened the door before you even knocked.
'Congratulations on getting a raise love,' he said grinning. It wasn't a surprise he knew since he had told Henry about your 'good work'. 
'Freddy's has been making enough money to afford it,' he said still grinning, 'however if that old woman keeps this up, Freddy's might have some...financial issues.'
Mrs. Grover had of course been trying to bring attention to the Freddy's murders, which would of course not be good for Freddy's in general. She had been hanging up posters on posters, and all this research she was almost known as the hysterical old woman in the town, but what she said was true, some of her theories sounded crazy to the out eye, but she was right.
'She-she asked me to help her solve the case with her,' you said.
'I did agree to, but I wasn't actually going to tell her...that-'
'Shh..' he interrupted you, 'We can trust each other Y/n..right?'
You nodded your head slowly, you refused to let yourself believe that you trusted him, but in recent things had been strange with the voices and so, you didn't know if you were even experiencing reality correctly or if you were just insane. You did know one thing though, he was here,and he wasn't leaving. Everything else was unpredictable, what Mrs. Grover truly knew, what was happening with your brother's voice,and you weren't even certain what happened to him. You weren't going to ask William how he killed him of course,you wouldn't even be able to bear hearing him talk about it. 
There was a brief silence of him just looking you in the eye in a peculiar way. Henry knocked on the door.
'Come in Henry,' William said. Henry opened the door he strangely looked annoyed which wasn't normal for him, you noticed he was holding some flyers in his hands, they were Mrs. Grover's 'missing persons' flyers.
'Will that old coot won't stop-' he noticed you sitting in the room, 'Oh goodness Y/n I didn't see you there, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-'
This time it was you interrupting, 'No it's fine I admit she can be a little bit much sometimes,' you felt embarrassed though. Henry chuckled in agreement, Mrs. Grover must've been putting a lot of stress on Henry. 
'Strange woman..' William said, 'did you know she's began suspecting the employees Henry.'
 Henry looked shocked, almost hurt. 
 'Why would she suspect employees, it's none of you guys, I do a background check on everyone I hire, I get to personally know most of the employees even,why would she suspect us, we're the ones trying to solve this case too.' 
You felt guilt, if Henry found out that you were technically 'helping' Mrs. Grover he would be so hurt, William better keep his mouth shut. One weird thing you noticed now that you hadn't really noticed before was that William almost had some sort of professional facade when having professional conversations.
'How do you know this Will, was it on one of her flyers of something?' He asked, nervous about the possibility of flyers saying that out there.
'Y/n told me,' he was smirking again.
Henry actually didn't find this odd, because he already knew you and Mrs. Grover had some sort of relation. 
'Well then we should try and sort this out, but in the mean time Will, you should go check on the Chica animatronic, one of the parents reported weird smells coming from it, and Y/n, you can continue working on Foxy,' he said.
You were confused, 'Didn't I finish maintenance on Foxy last time?'
'Yes, unfortunately he keeps fizzing out, somethings not right with him, if you need an extra hand ask Ian or Will,and they'll help you out.' 

All three of you left the room ready for a long day's work.

Thank you so much for 1k reads,I am so excited I can't believe we actually got 1k reads! I've been trying to update, but have had a lot of work in the recent, but I finished this chapter finally! Sorry for the cringe/dry ending though. Possible update tomorrow though! Again thank you all so much for reading my story!
Word count: 1164

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