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This is more continued from the last part, so if you haven't read the forth chapter I recommend you do! Trigger Warnings: Blood,Abuse, Death

Why wasn't he in jail? Lia...Where was Lia? She had come home last night,right? You heard her come home. Why were you so worried about her right now when you were the one in danger? 
What should you even say? Should you respond?  
'Maybe you could make it up to me by cleaning up the mess your little friend made.' 
 Wait! Lia? He knows about Lia...
 'W-what mess?' You looked next to you to see a horrifying sight, blood, a lot of blood. You stood there in pure shock.
'Couldn't have our secret getting out, could we?'
You had never hated a human being so much in your life, you wanted to kill him, you really wanted to kill him, but you couldn't. You couldn't help feeling like this was all your fault, if you had just stopped Lia from going out,you knew he was dangerous...Lia was gone, and it was all your fault. Tears streamed down your face.
'Aww...Y/n don't cry,' he laughed, he was still smiling, but not the usual odd smirk, it was the same psychotic smile.
'Wha-what the hell is wrong with you? Why won't you just leave me alone?'
You felt so weak crying on the floor. William got down to your level,he placed his thumb and index finger on your chin,his skin was very cold,he tilted you head towards yours so you were looking him in the eyes, you hadn't noticed this before, but his eyes were almost silver all he simply said,
'Darling, I like to see you suffer.
 Your life had become a living nightmare thanks to this man; he had done more than just made you suffer. He took his fingers off your chin,
'Now,clean this up,' he left the room.
You took a bucket of bleach and a cloth towel and began wiping the blood off the floor, it was horrible, it felt like you were just helping him get away with murder, which in reality you were. It was hard getting blood out from in between the tiles,and the bleach was making your eyes watery, but you didn't want to call him back in until you were completely finished, you remembered when you were young how mad your parents would get when you did a 'half-baked' job, you shuddered to imagine the situation with a murderer. 
You finally finished, William hadn't come back yet, you sat there in your uniform which was now completely ruined from the bleach and blood, thinking of all your memories of Lia which were once happy, now seemed sad and depressing. 
William walked in. He seemed satisfied with your work, but didn't add any comments. Finally he noticed your uniform,
'Looks like you need a new uniform sweetheart.'
He led you to his office where he got you a new uniform, which was pretty much exactly the same as the one you had before, the same ugly shade of purple.
After you changed in the bathroom you decided to get back to the list of stuff Henry gave you. You spent the rest of the day trying not to think of Lia, but it was hard, the memories of the blood came back through out the day haunting you.
You finally finished your shift, it was honestly nice to have to work to take your mind off Lia, but now you had to get home. You were so mad at yourself, and hated William so much, you decided tomorrow you were going to quit this horrible job. Every day you have worked here you hated. On your way out you noticed Henry's car parked in the lot. Great, maybe you could quit right now. You walked up to see Henry with children, his children you assumed.
'Hello Y/n! Sorry I was gone for the day, I actually needed to take some time off for family.' he smiled. There were two children with him, a boy and a girl. 
'Charlie, Sammy say 'hi' to Y/n she works with Dada.'
  The little girl walked up to you she looked shy, but the boy seemed even more shy as he stayed back.
'Hewwo Y/n!' she said. She was very cute, she sort of pushed her brother or they almost looked like twin toward you,
'H-hi Y/n.'
Damn it Henry! They were so cute and innocent, you just couldn't quit poor Henry needs the extra hand. 
'Hello Sammy! Hi Charlie! Nice to meet you,' you said sweetly.
 William walked out into the parking lot. You swore you were going to protect these angels from this man. For some reason though Sammy and Charlie seemed more comfortrable around him than you.
'Say hi to Uncle Will!'
 'Hewwo Uncle Will! Where's Liz I really want to pway with her,' Charlie said.
  Who's Liz?
  'Can Evan come over sometime?' Sammy asked, still seeming shy though.
   Evan? Who are they?
   'I'm sure they would love to see you two tomorrow,' William said calmly.
   This couldn't be for real, did this guy have children? Maybe even a wife? Who could love him? William just walked over to his car, which was the same hideous color of purple as his and your suit. 
You leaned in close to Henry, 
 'Who are Liz and Evan?'
 'Oh, those are William's children, he also has an older son Michael.'  
  He did have children. This evil man had children!?
  'I try to let them have as much time with Charlie and Sammy as possible, you see, Elizabeth can be a bit rough, she's really sweet though,and Evan is very sensitive. They lost their mother a while ago, and well Will lost his wife...'
No kidding. 
'Oh well I'd be willing to take care of them if you have work to do,' you said.
'Really Y/n, that would help a lot!' he said.
'My pleasure!' 
 William had ruined your life, but you didn't have the heart ruin his children's.
 'Well Henry, I'm going to head out, see you tomorrow!'
  You left the parking lot and took the bus home.

You didn't sleep that night.

Oml! Thank you so much for 100 reads! Sorry about not updating, I've been really busy recently, but I'll hopefully update tomorrow! I might also go back and fix this chapter a little, because I'm not sure if I'm happy with it. Also C.c or Crying Child is meant to be Evan, I know everyone's been using the name Chris,but some people get mad at fan made names, and people have been making theories that C.c's real name is Evan, so that's why I used the name, and Liz is obviously Elizabeth Afton. Sorry about the short chapter!
Word count: 1107

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