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Hey just a heads up I know it been forever
, but yeah I finally updated. I will be switching POVs (Point of views) in this chapter instead of just being Y/n's POV. Sorry if this is very cringe I haven't been writing in a while. Alright! Hope y'all doing well :D

You fell asleep on the couch with him. It was the first time you'd been so close with him. It felt safe, but there was a great discomfort looming other you.

He was a killer, even worse a child killer. No one should ever feel safe with someone as horrible as that. You wanted to ask him more about it, maybe he will change. It wouldn't be fair to expect him to change for you. Even if he did stop killing. Would his murderous urges really be gone?

You didn't know but decided not to over think it, at least not right now. You dozed off comfortably in his arms.

Mrs Grover's POV:

I hate this place. Poor Y/n has fallen victim to that.. strange man who runs that horrible place. He called her that pet name over the dinner table, right in front of me. 'Love'. He had said that. He had turned Y/n against me.

Lia had always deserved a better friend. I always knew Lia could do better. And I was right. It was Y/n with that horrid job that has led her to her demise.

But that's don't mean anything now. I can finally find some information on Freddy's, the actual pizzeria. If I could get that Afton guy in jail that's be good. Not because he actually did anything to my daughter, at least I don't think he did. It's because he dare open that horrible establishment. It was something personal.

I decide to do some searching in that office of his since he and Y/n are likely asleep.  I creep into the living room and what I see absolutely sickens me.

William's POV:

It looks like Mrs. Grover has decided to do a little snooping. Thinking I wouldn't notice, that I'd be asleep. How wrong she was. I haven't been able to sleep due to the absolute pleasure I've received being so close to Y/n. They're sleeping on me right now. It's adorable. So when Mrs. Grover walks into the kitchen, especially after our recent quarrel, I just can't wait to show her how happy my love looks with me.

Mrs. Grover's POV:

"W-what are you doing," I mutter. Unable to talk. He's laying with Y/n, so close to her it makes me sick. When he sees me he strokes her head, even in their sleep a ghost of a smile on their face. "Hello there Mrs. Grover, might I ask what you're doing up so late? Somebody could get the wrong idea about what you're trying to do," the disgusting man says to me. "Just what are you implying?" I ask him. He smiles. "I think you know what I am," he grins.

Out of no where he changed the topic, "I've gotten the sense you're suspecting a Fazbear employee of the murders. I would recommend you stop your investigation. Bad things tend to happen to those who meddle in these cases. Little Lia is a walking example of that." He grin widens, it's extremely off putting. "Or I'm sorry, was a walking example."

Did he just...threaten me. "Just what exactly are you saying," I exclaim. He puts his point finger up to his lips and says, "Shhh they're sleeping, I wouldn't want to disturb their peace right now. After all with all the stress you've been putting on them...Poor thing couldn't catch a break."
I want to hurt him now, hurt him badly. If this conversation wasn't the perfect proof, it all comes together. He did it. I ready myself to call the police, or think of killing him in the longest and most torturous way I can imagine. Would that be enough to satisfy me? The sickness I'm my gut is overwhelming. All I can do is ask one thing, "Does Y/n know?"

"Silly woman, they've known from the very beginning."

William POV:

I grin. I could tell her about how Y/n helped me clean up Lia's pooling blood, but that would be saved for another moment, that is if she even has the time left, depends on how generous I'm feeling about keeping her alive. I put a cloth with a drug against her face, chloroform. Of course she passes out after a while. Should I kill her right now, it would be pain free. For Y/n I mean. They wouldn't have to witness more violence on my behalf. I know my..tendencies don't make them very happy. Then again wouldn't witnessing a murder make Y/n a little used to it, to me. I don't want to end up traumatizing my darling. Hmm..I'll figure it out. 

Back to Y/n's POV:

You are awake, but you can't hear properly. You hear two voices a man's, definitely William. And a woman's, Mrs. Grover's. Then the female voice is gone. And William has stopped talking. You open your eyes, slowly. "William?" You ask more than say, hoping for a response. He's not on the couch anymore but now next to you. "Shh.. sweetheart close your eyes. I've got a big surprise for you when you wake up," he says in a overly happy tone. Is he ok? You risk a glance at the clock..five thirty am you only have thirty minutes to sleep so what's the big deal anyways?

You open your eyes and smile ready for the big surprise..

Heyyy y'all I'm back!! Sorry for the kind of dark ending but don't worry I'm not gonna make the next chapter super dark or anything. I've been on wattpad just haven't been writing, but no more of that anymore. I'm actually almost done with the story (in my opinion) if you couldn't tell by the "big secret" being revealed. But thanks so much for all the support :D. I'm so very grateful, and when I finish I WILL be starting a new, hopefully better William Afton x Reader using some critique I got from the comments and a plot that I think is more organized. If you have any recommendations or tropes/plot points you'd like for the next story PLEASE comment them. Idk if anyone will end up reading this since I've been gone so long, but yep! Also what're your guy's opinions in security breach? IMO I love it so much :) , but let me know. Thanks for all the love, I will be making a separate announcement thanking you guys and will be responding to as many comments as I can even if I'm a month late! :D (sorry if the whole POV thing was bad, I was just trying it out.)
Word count: 1161

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