A Note

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When heading to work today you noticed a note in your apartment mailbox, checking it you saw it was in Mrs. Grover's handwriting ;you recognized it from all the handwritten posters and research she had all over her walls. You read through it, what it said discomforted you greatly,

Y/n I am almost certain that Lia's disappearance has something to do with Freddy Fazbear's, multiple children including your brother have gone missing there, I think it's the same person behind all of this, possibly someone who works with you. Please be logical.Please quit immediately.Don't be selfish and let Lia and your brother's sacrifices go to waste,
Mrs. Grover.

The note looked like it had been quickly scratched onto a note paper, but it was the last line that was the worst. You tucked the note deep in your pocket not wanting to lose it, but 
'Don't be selfish and let Lia and your brother's sacrifice sacrifices go to waste,' it said.
 How had you been selfish, you didn't lead any of them to their death,but it was still the question you always asked yourself ,Was all of this your fault;but now did Mrs. Grover blame you? 
You couldn't stress the thought right now, you biggest concern was the fact that she knew Lia's disappearance had to do with Freddy's and even worse she was already beginning to suspect one of the workers. What if she ended up suspecting you? However that didn't make sense since you hadn't started working at Freddy's at the time of the first disappearance. You tucked the note in your pocket, not wanting to lose it,but not wanting anyone to see it.
You walked through the front door of Freddy's,ready for work, but instead William almost immediately approached you, which was weird. You were sort of still trying to avoid him. He grabbed you by the arm,
'Follow me,' he said. He led the way and you followed him even though you weren't certain what was going on, again he led you to his office. You were hoping these 'meetings' wouldn't become a regular thing. This time you felt a little more comfortable, for some reason you took a quick look around. Unlike Henry's Office there seemed to be a lot more work there,just in general a lot of papers and even some blueprints for designs that looked like they weren't accepted by Henry, he also had a name plate though, and he had the Spring Bonnie mask sitting on a shelf, creepy. That wasn't the point though,what did he want? He gestured to a chair in front of his desk, asking you to sit down,which you did.
'So Y/n,what does she know yet,' he asked,' or should I ask what do you know?'
You weren't telling him about the note, no matter what.
'I don't really-' You thought before you finished your sentence, he already told you it was too risky to kill Mrs. Grover, so you could tell him something so he would leave you alone, and make you look more confident. You weren't going to tell him anything that was on the note though.
Sounding more confident than usual, 'Well I've actually known her a while, you know?'
He looked intrigued, 'No I didn't.'
Of course he didn't know that,why did you ask that. What should you say next?
'Well uh-we live in the same apartment,'you didn't sound as confident as before, but it was still an improvement. You tucked the note even deeper in your pocket,he didn't notice; good.
'Really?' He was even more interested now. You simply nodded. 
'I think I should get back to work now,' you said getting ready to leave.
'Until later love,' he replied smirking, this had all gone well he was really letting you go, 'by the way what's in your pocket?'
How had he noticed? Should you say it's just a sticky note of a pen of something like that, but that would be to obvious. You started to feel sick in your stomach, you couldn't hesitate for too long though. You could feel tear begin streaming down your face, all of this work to keep the note a secret, for nothing.
The honest truth was you weren't hiding the note because you didn't want him to know what Mrs. Grover knew, it was because you were shamed about what the note said about you.
Trying to put up a fight with him would be no use, you knew from previous experience. He would most likely be able to tell if you were lying to him, plus he would be able to take the note from you which would be worse case scenario. He noticed you were crying and bent down to your height, since you were still sitting on the chair. 
'Why so sensitive all of a sudden? Let me see.'
You reached into your pocket and handed him the note, your hands were shaking. You tried not to look at him as he read through it. You sat in silence looking down at your feet, barely holding back from sobbing.
'Oh Y/n darling,no more tears. I'll fix all of this.' he said smiling.
What did he mean? He could fix all of this? If it involved someone else's death then you weren't going to let it happen, not again. For some reason he seemed very comforting to you right now, but you tried to stop yourself from thinking that. 

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You often find you thinking through situations in different ways, but now it was almost like you could hear actual voices, not just the ones in the back of your head, the though of that scared you. This was all so weird. Were you actually going insane now? You were unable to process all of this. Should you do as the voice said and leave, or should you stay here? 


The voice sounded almost angry now. Your head was pounding, you hated this voice so much, you wanted it to leave. Maybe if you defied it. It would go away. 


It sounded like an angry child's voice, it reminded you of Felix. Your head hurt so badly it felt like it had been split in half, this all had to stop. 

'I trust you,' you whispered.

The headache stopped and so did the voice.You snapped back into reality and realized what you had just said. It was too late to take it back.

'Good,' he whispered back.

Ok this chapter might be very cringe I'm not sure if I like it yet, I might go back and change it. I was going to do more frequent updates, but my dog got very sick and had to go to the vets and stay overnight, so I wasn't planning on posting today. Thank you guys for 600 reads!

Word count: 1121

𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 (𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖  𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now