A weird occurrence

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The voice was gone, but your statement wasn't. It felt like one of those things you couldn't really take back. There was still a bigger question in your mind though, what or who was that? It was a clear audible voice of a child or so it sounded, but when it was talking it got progressively more angry. It sounded like a little boys voice, Felix. Of course that wasn't possible. You needed to clear your mind.
'Should I get back to work?' You asked William this since you didn't think it would be wise to just leave after what happened last time with the note. 
'Wait,' he said, you were worried about what he was going to say next, 'you're going to need this.'
He looked through one of the filing cabinets in his desk, you could see a lot of blueprints in there, he pulled out a few of them looking for the right one. Looking at the other ones of the table you could see they were all designs for animatronics, but some of them were weird..not like the ones here at Freddy's. He handed you the blueprint for Foxy though.
'You're going to be doing maintenance work for Foxy,' he noticed you staring at the other blueprints, 'those other prints are just for some of my...projects. Do you like them love?'
He slid the other ones across the table. You could see one the sort of resembled Freddy and another that resembled Freddy and another that looked like Foxy, but the rest were unfamiliar, they looked almost like more humanized characters. They all had really weird stuff or unnecessary design features.
'I think they look..good,' you said still absentmindedly gazing at them. He smirked at this compliment and put the prints back in the filing cabinet. 
'See you soon darling,' he said, allowing you finally get back to work.
You looked over the blueprint one last time, you could see why you were going to need it since it looked like you were going to be doing really advanced work, not like the type you were used to. You walked into the room where the four main animatronics, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, were propped against the wall. They looked different then you were used to it was almost scary seeing them propped lifelessly against the wall, with hallow eyes. One of them,Chica really smelled.Like mucus and rot, the rest of them were just greasy. You bent down to look closer, but when you did you were hit with an overwhelming odor, which caused you to nearly puke. You backed up from the suit. You heard this weird static sound filling the room, almost like suppressed breathing. This was all very weird. You heard a voice a young girls voice this time,

D̷̨͕̤͕͈͉̪͈̫̈͆̅̑̿͆͠o̵̥̰̥̞̼̝͍̲͝ņ̶̧̗͎̞̎̆́͋͐̉̋̈̊͘'̴̧̡̣͉͓̫̀̾ţ̴̭̦͕͙͔̲͓̌̌̄͛͆̈́͂̓ ̶̨̻̘͖̞̲́͊̀̒̀͌̽̊́̕͜t̶̡̞̤͚̹̜̯͎̋͑͒͌̕̕̚͠ŕ̴͍̞̙͐̽̈́ų̵͚͇̥̥͑̀̓͊͛́̄̃s̶̡̛͔̯̟͗̾͑͂̿̋̓͝͝t̴͔̩̹̜̞̾ ̷̢̘̩̥̱̬̲͛̌̎h̷̨̢̡̭͖̻͖̯̘̤̓͝ȋ̷͕̥̥͎͍͕͙̥̝̳͆͊̈m̸̧̬̟͎̲͍̩̌̆̄̑͋̎̒̔̂͝

The headache was back and it hurt worse than before, your head was in complete anguish, before you blacked out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When you opened your eyes you were in front of some video game. There was a 'game over' sort of screen, but instead it said 'Time's up' you had just lost the game. In the reflection of the screen you could see a little blonde haired girl with beuatiful curls and pearly blue eyes,crying. She wasn't loudly sobbing, but instead tears were just dripping down her face off her chin. Then the reflection changed, there was a yellow bunny the springlock suit behind here, there was probably a human in there instead of it being an animatronic, to prove that it even spoke. Not in an upbeat tone, but instead a voice you knew as William's. 
'He's not really dead...' It said.
'He is over here.'
'Follow me...'
 You grabbed the bunny's hand with your small one, as it led you to the back room, Parts and Services. What was going on? 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You could answer that question because you woke up on the cold hard floor or the room where the four animatronics sat. You nearly screamed, but stopped yourself. What happened to that little girl? What did William do to her? Who was the 'he'that was not really dead? 
You had needed to clear your mind, but this just left you more confused than ever. The truth was that she had probably suffered the same fate as your brother, you weren't completely sure what that was either though,besides death. 
You check the time on a clock which hung on the wall, it had been over an hour! You had been unconscious that long. You hadn't even gotten started on Foxy. It was going to take a while. You reviewed the blueprint before getting started, and were glad when you finished. It gave you a chance to relax,you got the chills sitting in the room though. 
The rest of the day was simple though, just regular tasks. William barely came out of his office though. After you were done you were planning on taking the bus home as usual,but a nasty surprise awaited you. In the lot there was a pea green car the driver was none other than Mrs. Grover. 
'Y/n! I got a new car! Come on I have spare time so I decided to pick you up!' She screeched across the lot. You didn't want to, but you walked up to the car. 
'Hello Mrs. Grover,' you said.
'Hi Y/n, you've finished work? Oh who's that man again?' 
You looked to see what she was talking about and you saw William walking across the lot to his car. 
'Good day Mr. Ashton!' She said to him, again very loudly. This got his attention and he walked over to the car too.
'Mr. Ashton right? You work with Y/n?'
'Afton.' You corrected Mrs. Grover. William chuckled at this.
'Oh my apoligies,' Mrs. Grover sighed.
'It's alright, and yes Y/n works for me,' he said. 
Which annoyed you, because you didn't like to think of him as your boss.
'Well then Y/n and I are going back home, we're neighbors you know?'
'Yes..I've heard that,' William said now smirking.
'Alright Y/n get in,' Mrs. Grover said.
She closed the door to the car and rolled up the windows, after she drove out of the lot she said,
'Don't trust anyone Y/n,ok? Did you get my note?'
'Ok, well Mr. Afton seems like a nice man, but you never know..' 
You felt rage fill your body. You didn't know why, but you felt deep hatred for Mrs. Grover.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I might update tomorrow too! Thank you guys so much for 700 reads! Just to let you know this thing in the story: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Will mean a flashback that's not your's. I don't think this will be used very often, but hopefully that will make more sense. In this flashback I was referencing the Fruity Maze mini-game in FNaF 6 
Word count: 1248

𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 (𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖  𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now