Good Morning

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You woke up, as you always did. But it felt different. Not a bad different, just different. You were in a very nice room, in a very nice bed. Your head ached and you felt disoriented. Where were you? What had happened to you? 

You got up, which took more effort than usual, it felt like your legs had gained ten pounds. What had happened to you? You couldn't remember anything right now. You spun around hastily when you heard the door opening. A tall figure walking in... 

Oh, it was just William. 

"Ah, you're awake," he said joyously. "I made you breakfast, are you hungry?"

There was something weird going on. Something had happened last night. You tried to think back, the only thing you could remember was William leaning over you telling you he would fix things. And then you must've fallen asleep.

"O-oh, thank you," you said, bringing your attention back to the present. 

"You okay my dear? You seem quite nervous," he asked almost mockingly. You hold back your emotions, because to be honest you were scared. Not knowing what had happened to you was terrifying. You gave William a curt nod, acknowledging your anxiety. He grinned.

"You don't remember much of what happened to you yesterday, do you?" He asked. You nodded slowly again. He seemed pleased by your response. "Well sweetheart I think it's best you don't. I think if you figure out what happened it will just cause you more anxiety," he mused. 

He waited a few seconds then continued speaking as though nothing strange has happened, "Did you like the nightrobes? You can borrow some old clothes of mine if you'd like, though they might not fit you right."

You looked down; you were wearing a night robe. A very nice one at that, it was a soft periwinkle blue with buttons up to the neck. How'd he gotten that on you? You looked down at your bare feet, he must have also taken your slippers off before putting you to bed. How thoughtful...

"Oh uh-sure, it's fine if they don't fit me properly," you said softly. Your voice didn't sound right, it was as though you were in a trance, but somehow aware of it. "Alright Hun, I'll get those for you," he sang. "Try to behave in the meantime." He winked, then left. 

You didn't see the point of going anywhere outside your room. What help would that do you anyways? You didn't even feel like walking around anyways. Seconds later William burst through the door, not even bothering to knock. Why did you deserve privacy in his house? 

"Here you go," he grins. He holds up a simple button up, cream in color and black dress pants, the kind he always wears to work. "These might be a little big on you, so I brought you a belt as well." 

Did he not have any casual clothing? You weren't complaining though, it was nice to have something fresh to wear. Of course, the clothing was too big, it was droopy and saggy on your body. How was he so tall anyways? 

You went downstairs to eat breakfast, no matter how much William denied it he was an exceptional cook. You didn't know how he'd taught himself, but you supposed it was likely him having to do all cooking for his kids. 

After breakfast, you noticed Elizabeth out on the leather couch watching television. "Hey Liz...What are you watching?" She didn't seem to notice you, so you repeated the question. This time she barely looked away from the screen, "Freddy and Friends," she said her voice completely monotone, due to her focus on the show. "Ooh sounds fun, may I join you?" You asked, maybe watching a childish show with no "deeper meanings" or "themes" would help you unwind. Liz nodded meaning you were allowed to join.

You settled on the leather couch; it was rather comfy. And began to watch, the picture quality was amazing, but after one or two episodes it got boring. It was just the same thing over and over again, with a different setting. So, you left. 

Maybe you should join Mrs. Grover for her daily walk through the forest, it could be relaxing. Walking upstairs and knocking on her door, you were surprised when there was no response. "Mrs. Grover," you called. After a few knocks you opened the door, sure it was rude, but she was on older woman. What if something had happened. 

The entire room, the entire room had been stripped of all Mrs. Grover's things, her posters, her bedsheets, her tea set. You began to freak out, had she run away? Mrs. Grover likely wouldn't be able to make it long out on the streets. You ran up to William's room and pounded your fist on the door. Fat tears had already started rolling down your cheeks. 

William opened the door immediately. You didn't give him any time to ask you what happened, "Mrs. Grover is gone, I don't know what happened to her," you sobbed. Instead of the concerned response you expected, you got a cruel one. A huge grin broke out on his face, he took you into his arms, you began crying into his chest, ruining his shirt and vest. "You poor thing, you really don't remember anything that happened last night. Shh... She's gone now, but everything will be okay. I promise. I'll explain everything to you one day, but it's not right now. Right now, we can just be happy together."

He let you sob into his chest until you were done crying. No matter how sick this situation was, it made you so happy to have someone to comfort you. When was the last time that'd been? It didn't sound like he had any plans of leaving you soon. It'd been so long since the last time you'd had someone you could rely on. 

When you finally pulled back you noticed your tears had left big wet splotches on his shirt. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your shirt," you sniffed. "It's okay, it's okay love."

That's all you ever wanted; for someone to tell you it'd be okay.

New chapter :D Happy weekend! Sorry this chapter was kind of boring or cringe its sort of meant to be just a filler for the next one :L Thank you guys for all the support and hope you guys are doing well :O

Word Count: 1077

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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